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Anàlisi, disseny, contractació i control del servei de recollida de residus i neteja viària des d'una perspectiva econòmica, ambiental i sociopolítica a Espanya

  • Autores: Jorge Costa Rodríguez
  • Directores de la Tesis: Domènec Cucurull Descàrrega (dir. tes.), Margarita González Benítez (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) ( España ) en 2016
  • Idioma: catalán
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Ferran Vallespinos Riera (presid.), Emilio Hernández Chiva (secret.), Ramón Rabella Pujol (voc.)
  • Programa de doctorado: Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería de Proyectos y Sistemas
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: TDX
  • Resumen
    • Municipal services, particularly waste collection and street cleaning have unique characteristics that make particularly difficult their management and often make that the scientific community and municipal officials have difficulties in developing new research or design, contract and monitor these services. It has been observed that there is a lack of consolidated information, especially contrasted information, with respect to almost all aspects of this area and that the existing no longer reflects the reality of this dynamic sector. So, a "body of knowledge" has been developed, that allows to establish guidelines to approach any scientific or applied study in the different aspects of this field and set a framework of what is "reasonable" , given prior characteristics of the territory to study and apply scientific criteria in decision making. First is a presented a recompilation of the legislation applicable to the sector of waste collection and street cleaning and analyze their impact and major stakeholders. Then there is a study of waste collection, which describes in first place the material available to perform this service. Secondly describes the methods for collecting, describing its operations and evaluating the pros and cons of each. Then there is the proposed methodology to analyze the alternatives and to choose the most appropriate method depending on the characteristics of the territory. Once selected collection method proceeds to service dimensioning and has been developed a method of quantifying resources in order to allow to know the needs of human and material needs to provide the service with maximum efficiency. Finally, this method is validated with real cases to verify its suitability. The next point is street cleaning, which describes in first place the material available to perform this service. Secondly describes cleaning methods describing the operation and possible applications. And then to begin the design and dimensioning of the service, describes the performances taken into account in the study for each cleaning methods. In order to select the appropriate cleaning method in each case, identify the factors that influence and what assumptions were taken into account to simplify the model. Once selected the methods proceeds to service dimensioning and has been developed a method of quantifying resources in order to allow to know the needs of human and material needs to provide the service with maximum efficiency. Finally, this method is validated with real cases to verify its suitability. Then there is the economic assessment of these services, in which has been designed and developed a method for assessing the costs that make up a service of waste collection and street cleaning in an orderly and systematic way in order to allow the economic valuation and ensure to get a reference value adjusted to cost. In the chapter of control and monitoring are analyzed and developed mechanisms to ensure that the service is provided with a level of reasonable diligence by the operators and applying mechanisms for continuous improvement in operational and financial management. Finally a chapter has been dedicated to establish the specifications and technical conditions for contracting the services of waste collection and street cleaning, with focus at strategic points to ensure a good outcome, both in content and evaluation of offers and a model of specifications has been created that contains these strategic points.

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