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Resumen de Delaying the image: towards an aesthetics of encounter

Alberto Altés Arlandis

  • This thesis, as part of a movement towards the degree of PhD (a becoming Doctor of Philosophy), is constructed and approached as a philosophical situation, which is always about an encounter between terms that are foreign to each other. In this case, through the exploration of the interplays of space, film and politics, a multiplicity of foreign terms and such encounters will emerge and take us along a journey through places, movies and architectures, to discuss the ways in which architecture and other spatial practices think, imagine and produce the worlds we live in and the ways in which we live together. Quite differently from what has usually been the focus of explorations of the relationships between film and architecture -namely an approach to their connections as formal constructions and compositional techniques- I will approach cinema as a form that thinks, as an apparatus of spatial critique and as a material that is capable of activating a time and a space of encounter: one in which people are enabled to meet reality at a distance from that in which they are presently becoming. Film is here an encounter with otherness, and allows thinking in and through the distance that separates the viewer from the screen and from the spaces and realities presented on it. lt does so by means of its form. lt is a form that thinks. Through its thinking, cinema can change the ways in which we conceive of territories and places; it can change the ways in which we conceive of architecture, helping us move from understanding it as a discipline or an 'it' to seeing it as an action or a verb: to architect. Cinema can help us gain the critical, social, political and utopian impetus we are missing in our 'movement' towards the establishment of the common. Philosophy has, according to Badiou, three tasks in relationship with situations: first, it has to help us clarify the basic choices of our thinking; second, it has to help us clarify the distance between that thinking (truths as creation) and power; and third,it has to help us clarify the importance of the exception, the rupture, the event. Choice, distance, exception. One could also see in that sequence a relationship to the main three parts of this research, the first part is about choices: an archaeology of the present that forces us to choose between different things in order to approach what I will call 'pragmatic dissent'; the second part is about distances: a filmic, spatial and affective journey in which we take a distance from that present in order to encounter reality, and we do so by exploring and developing an 'aesthetics of encounter'; and the third part is about exceptions: an exploration of other images and other spaces, alternatives and events in the conception, thinking and production of spaces and images, a journey through these exceptions that will become a discussion of two interrelated notions: anarchic metapolitics and what I will provisionally call 'ethics of encounter'. Or in other words, a different way of conceiving and addressing our becoming 'of' the world as architects and the responsibilities we have in relationship with its transformation through the thinking, construction and organization of our coexistence.

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