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Resumen de Millores en un crioconcentrador per plaques de pel.licula descendent: dissenys de nous prototips per liquids industrials i residuals

Vicenç Rodríguez Barraguer

  • One of the techniques for separating soluble solids in an aqueous solution, is for freezing of water that contains, which is known as cryoconcentration It relates to systems of crystallization of ice by layer (Flesland, 1995) because the principle is the same, although the model presented is significantly different, both in terms of geometry and the equipment that incorporates. The experimental work, the basis of this thesis, has gone through two machines cryoconcentration, semi - industrial, known as first and second prototype, where have been developed tests with food liquids wine, orange juice and coffee; use of second products industrial liquids and liquids waste to reduce water and subsequent treatment of concentrated. They have been expressly built, one after the other, as a result of the improvements that have been incorporated to watching trials and with the aim of achieving, in the second prototype,a cryoconcentrator of film descendant, semi-industrial, to between 35 and 40 l of liquid, more effective, in energy efficiency and make good concentrates. Explains the key points of the machine, as for example, how to get a good liquid distribution to be focus and having a good evaporation - condensation in the entire cooling system. Everything revolves to make concentrated quality, which can give added value to the food liquids, this method of descending film, with the application of the techniques of cold. In fact, intends to reveal that this method, based on physical principles, is better than classical distillation for heat, if you want to get concentrated rich in original content. In the preparation of fruit juices, it has the advantage of preserving their vitamins and flavors. In a commercial orange juice 100% fruit juice got a 45% concentrate juice fruit rest water with trace amounts of 1% fruit juice without degradation of aromas. And in the category of coffee, was achieved in the process of concentrate, reduce it by up to 55% of concentrated coffee the rest water with trace amounts of 1% without losing the aromas and taste. It also wants to extend to industrial fluids as needed to focus. It is at this point, in the treatment of industrial and sewage waste, where it has insisted more than experimentation, by the good results obtained and as evidence that in many areas they have not finished making. For the specific case of a multinational cosmetics, sample which was, went from having a content of dissolved solids, with cod = 27500 ppm, to a cod = 27 ppm water. The last phase of this work wants to reflect experience with the experimentation carried out and that also serve to extrapolate and sizing designs of other models, based on the same technology. The technique is quite simple and innovative in its application; working at atmospheric pressure and temperatures that rarely move from - 5 ° C, providing a concentration more advantageous, and as an alternative to the classical distillation for heat. A brief review of existing models, known by different names, which are used to make concentrated, to complete with an innovative model and energy saving considered of freeze concentration by plates of film descendant, through cold generation systems, which can be 'tailor-made' is made. The work has a history of work and experimentation, made in the past six years, with the two real prototypes, which have been improving day by day, where all tests and experimental trials have been done. It does not leave out that one of the objectives is also to make a cold efficient to improving the COP and system with a view to incorporating in the industrial sector You can say contributions highlighted in this thesis are: Resolution of the uniform distribution of liquid concentrate on cold plates. Application of this process of concentration for industrial waste

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