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Resumen de Expresión local de citocinas, grado de lesión de la mucosa gástrica e influencia de las helmintiasis intestinales en adultos venezolanos infectados por "Helicobacter pylori"

Alisbeth Diamelis Fuenmayor Boscán

  • español

    De este trabajo de investigación sobre la expresión de citocinas en el epitelio y la lámina propia de la mucosa gástrica antral, el grado de lesión tisular en individuos infectados por H. pylori y el análisis de su posible modulación por la helmintiasis intestinal, se concluye que: La infección gástrica por H. pylori incrementa la expresión de las citocinas proinflamatorias IL-1[beta] y TNF-[alfa] en el epitelio y en la lámina propia de la mucosa antral con respecto a los sujetos no infectados. También, se objetiva que la presencia de la bacteria se asocia a una tendencia al aumento de IFN-[gamma] en ambas regiones de la mucosa, sin afectar la expresión de IL-4. La infección por H. pylori incrementa el grado de infiltración mononuclear y granulocítica de la mucosa gástrica, la frecuencia y el grado de atrofia glandular y el índice de riesgo para cáncer gástrico, con respecto a los sujetos no infectados. La coinfección helmíntica modula la respuesta inmunitaria inducida por H. pylori en la mucosa gástrica antral. Se asocia a un incremento de la expresión de la citocina antí-inflamatoria IL4 y a una reducción de las proinflamatorias, IL-1[beta] tanto en el epitelio como en la lámina propia y TNF-[alfa] e IFN-[gamma] en el epitelio. La coinfección por helmintos intestinales no afecta el grado de colonización gástrica por H. pylori, pero se asocia a una disminución discreta de las lesiones histopatológicas en el corpus y del índice de riesgo para cáncer gástrico. En la población no infectada por H. pylori se expresan en bajo grado, y especialmente en el epitelio, tanto las citocinas proinflamatorias IL-1[beta] y TNF-[alfa], como el IFN-[gamma] (Th1) y la IL-4 (Th2), lo cual coincide ocn una baja frecuencia y severidad de lesión mucosal gástrica.

  • English

    Helicobacter pylori infection is associated to a variety of benign and malignant gastroduodenal features, in which the host immune response plays a crucial pathogenic role. During the last years, experimental and epidemiological evidences have been presented in favor of a possible role of intestinal helminths as modifiers of the Th1-predominant immune response triggered by H. pylori infection. However, this immunomodulatory effect has not been studied in humans, in regard to cytokines-dependant local immune response. The aim of the present research was to determine if helminths intestinal coinfection is associated to changes in proinflammatory and/or antiinflammatory cytokines local expression and the gastric mucosa injury degree, in individuals with gastritis associated to H. pylori infection. After applying strict inclusion and exclusion criteria, forty-six symptomatic adults from the Zulia State, northwest Venezuela, were selected, provided endoscopic evidences of gastropathy. They were classified into three groups, according to the status of H. pylori and helminths infections: Hp-/helm- (17), Hp+/helm- (18) and Hp+/helm+ (11). Each patient underwent an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, histopathological analysis of gastric mucosal biopsies, and descriptive-semiquantitative and quantitative immunohistochemistry with peroxidasa staining, for detecting cytokines IL-1β, TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-4, in paraffin sections of the antral gastric mucosa. The statistics Chi Square or Fisher Exact Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Mann-Whitney U and Spearman Correlation Coefficient were applied to determine the significance of findings (p<0,05). The expression of the 4 cytokines was identified in all the groups, predominantly in the epithelium and upper third of the mucosal lamina propria. In the control group (HP-) were evident: a low expression of all the cytokines, mild mucosal injuries and a scarce lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. In the group Hp+/helm-, a significant increase in the proinflammatory cytokines expression was evident, mainly IL-1, without changes in the IL-4 expression degree, indicating a Th1-predominant immune response associated to H. pylori infection. Accordingly, a high percentage of such individuals presented active atrophic chronic gastritis and a risk index of gastric cancer relatively low, but significantly higher than the control group. In the helminths-coinfected group, IL-4 expression increased significantly, in conjunction with a negative regulation of the 3 proinflammatory cytokines, thus exhibiting the characteristic pattern of a Th2-predominant immune response. In the histopathological evaluation, mild changes were detected, more evident in the gastric corpus, tending to a minor grade of mononuclear cells infiltration, lower frequency of mucosal atrophy and decreased risk index of gastric cancer. In conclusion, intestinal helminths coinfection modulates the local cytokines response characteristically Th1-predominant in the gastric mucosa of humans H. pylori infected, favoring the balance towards a Th2-predominant response. Possible favorable consequences of this immunomodulatory effect might be more evident in populations with a high risk of gastric carcinogenesis

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