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Multiscale techniques in turbulence: application to geophysical fluids and operational oceanography

  • Autores: Verónica Úrsula Nieves Calatrava
  • Directores de la Tesis: Albert Falques Serra (dir. tes.), Antonio Turiel (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) ( España ) en 2008
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Veronique Garcon (presid.), Vicente Iranzo Fernández (secret.), María Emilia García Marqués (voc.), Jaime Piera Fernández (voc.), Hussein Yahia (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: TDX
  • Resumen
    • irve slLr.les lrave been deve oped n Ifre conletl of M croca¡onrc ¡,4! I fraclal For¡ais.n ([41,1F) laknq a,r¡ al a felv perspcclrve of rresoscae ocea¡ dynamcs For lhrs prrpose dfferenl k¡ds ol s¿lelile prodlcls ¿nd nove lech¡ques,¡rcre empoyed s!ch as locai fla!e el bascd S nqLr a.ly A¡a y: s {SAl and Coirerenl Vorler Erlracl o¡ {CVE) SA s a sqna process¡qrecnnrqlreCevelopedinlhalcontexllfraicassfeslheponls naqventurbLre¡l f ow accor.l ng lo the vaue of rts oaa s ngular 1y erpo¡ent. i\'laps ol s nqular ly expone¡ls prov de nlorrnalonaboulthegeo¡relrcalproperlresoltfelow.!,rhcir rs.elaigdio is !¡derly,¡g physLcs ll lras been shown thal lhe d fle¡enl leve.sels of lhe srngu arity exponent fed provrde a delailed descriplron of l¡e goba oceanc crculato¡ scher¡e. Gven a snapshot of a scalar, e g. saleil le der ved sca ar for which adveclron is slronq enough each value of s¡guaíty erponenl shoud be assoclaled lo a grolp ol slrear¡ Ines. These stream nes have been anály7ed a¡d va daled wth g-.osrroph,c veloc ry fieds derved Írom atmelry Streamlnes lrom dLllerenl salelle dala have beef aso compared n order to see thei cor¡espondence Amatorf¡d¡gof nry research rs lhal lhe cose,nalchinq belwee¡ mage processing and pfryscs s r¡depe¡deft ol the pafl:c! ar I es ol any scalar tracer and al any sca e or specLl c ¡eg on ol stldy A¡otlrer malor deve opme¡l o' my research co¡ce s an rmprovcd procedure ror CVE CVE s a wave et.bascd melhod lhal a¡ayses IurbLre¡ce by usrng ony lhe r¡ost e¡erllelrc sirlclures ie coherenl slruclures The slandard c¡lenon threshod llr¿l was used in CVE to separare a flow ¡nlo cohere¡l and ncoherent pa¡ls rs based on its q oba propen es However. lhe parlrc! ar I es ol rhe I ow al each poi¡rr have lo be cDñsidered as ¡hey cD¡!a ¡ an ,mpo(a¡l pa.l needed 10 descnbe ocean dynaqLcs Thro!!hout ñy wo.k CVE has been d,odiieo Inrroducr¡g the mulllractal propertres ol lhe sate lile variab es in an leralve procedure An essenlla resul is thal lhs adaplve versro| oi CVE was phys ca ly ¡¡ore r¡ea¡ ngiu . and anyway able lo sepa¡ale coherent and ncoherenl parts of the flow in such a way that lorver scaes were betler resoved a¡d tfre cofrerenl contrbLrlron was defined by usrng a snral ¡lmber of degrees ol freedom. ln lhis way. the cofirpressron s nolewonlry and the cor¡puia¡ona cosl s s gnrl¡canily reduced llre research prese¡ted shows thal a 2D lurb!efl flow as ¡t s lhe case ol lhe ocean can be descr bed by s¿lel le derlved scalars clra.acler zed by mulilractal properles and/orby lhose sl¡!clures lhal are selforgani:ed n cohere¡l vonrces aftercompex fow evo !lon. These slrlrctures afe subr. t(ed lo lhe veloc ry I e d dle 1o lonq-range ¡te¡aclons, each vo¡lex fee s lhe inf ue¡ce of the mcan le d due !o many ol¡ers.andlhey play an rrlportanl role nocea¡dynamcs N4N¡F s nol on jy a new f ield ol luid dy¡amcs thar complerneñls lheory and exper¡¡nenlal o¡ bul a so t provides a Iow cost alternal ve lo s rnLr ale Urbirlenl ijows

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