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Resumen de La génesis del modelo arquitectónico teatral en la Bética. El teatro romano de Cádiz

Juan de Dios Borrego de la Paz

  • Since the Roman Theatre of Cádiz was discovered in 1980, research has established a ficticious connection among archaeological remains and those events transmited by the classical sources, those that dates its construction on 46-43 b.C. According to this relationship, it has been traditionally presented as the oldest theater erected in Hispania. Although it is discovered in a large extension, this theatre never has being subject of an exhaustive study. Anyway it has been defined like an hellenistic theater, with an ultracemicircular plan, and an open stage building. Supposing there were no argues to support such description, but considering its study relevant to know the emergence and evolution of the roman theatres in Spain, we propose to make a research by two differents ways. First of all, through a typological analysis of its plan. Then, trough the analysis of the architectural decoration collected during the different excavation campaings.

Fundación Dialnet

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