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Resumen de Direct measurement of resonance driving terms in the super proton synchrotron (SPS) of cern using beam position monitors

Rogelio Tomás García

  • English

    The aim of this thesis is to develop a beam based method to measure the Hamiltonian terms of an accelerator by precise Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of turn-by-turn beam position data. The effect of beam decoherence on the turn-by-turn Fourier spectrum and the longitudinal variation of the resonance terms are studied analytically and via computer simulations. Experiments to validate the proposed technique are performed at the CERN SPS and at the RHIC of BNL. Finally, the improvement of replacing the single kicks by an AC dipole is analytically described

  • English

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en desarrollar un metodo para medir los terminos resonantes del Hamiltoniano de un acelerador mediante la transfomada de Fourier de la posicion del haz vuelta tras vuelta. Dos aspectos fundamentales de este metodo de medida son: el efecto de la decoherencia del haz en el espectro de Fourier y la variacion longitudinal de estos terminos resonantes. Ambos se estudian analiticamente y mediante simulaciones numericas. Con el fin de probar la validez de esta tecnica se realizaron experimentos en dos aceleradores de hadrones: el SPS del CERN y el RHIC del BNL.

    Por ultimo se estudia como utilizar dipolos AC para que esta tecnica no sea destructiva ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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