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Resumen de Gamification strategies as socialization tools in the context of pediatric hospitalization

Jorge Montaner Marco

  • In this document, the problems for socialization for pediatric patients in the context of their hospital internment are considered, analyzing the possibilities of improving this aspect of the patient's health through the use of different strategies and technological tools considering the difficulties posed by the environment and the context.

    In the first place, an evaluation of the state of the literature and a justification of the existing problematic will be presented, clearly stating the objectives and hypothesis of this work, and also the methodology that has been followed.

    Afterwards, the different tools that have been implemented and evaluated will be described, analyzing the obtained results and placing them in their context and technological frame. These tools, that combine physically placed activities and applications with remote or hybrid ones, implement different strategies in order to be able to analyze which are the most convenient or the ones that show a higher benefit for the patient.

    In the following section, a design model, which is based on the results obtained in the previous studies, is proposed, with the justification of the design decisions made and a description of different applications and contexts in which the proposed model could be useful.

    Finally, the conclusions obtained after the analysis of the results will be presented, and a short discussion about possible applications and future related works will be done.

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