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Resumen de Effects of plastic chemical additives on the proteome of the marine fish model cyprinodon variegatus

Alexandre Martínez Schönemann

  • An endocrine disruptor is defined as an exogenous substance or a merge of substances that change the endocrine system function and in consequence can produce adverse effects over the health of the organisms, progeny or their populations.

    Global plastic production is increasing exponentially, it reaching nowadays more than 200.000 MT/year. On this plastic composition it finds since a 30% weight from additives, which cause an endocrine disruption in a great variety of marine organisms. Because to the physiology and sexual reproduction plasticity of the teleost fish the additive effects can be very alarming. However, the most used fish models are from freshwater species, as zebra fish or medaka, and there is a little amount of marine fish studies about this topic. So, it is important to develop a marine fish model that allow the study in laboratory of the endocrine effects, study whit importance to the protection of the coastal marine ecosystems. Therefore, the main objective of these thesis is to develop this model to prove the plastic additives effects as disruptors of the endocrine system through proteomic and other omic tools.

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