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Resumen de Molecular mechanisms involved in the cerebral cortex development and their implications in neurodevelopmental disorders

Isabel Pijuan Jiménez

  • During the process of corticogenesis, cortical radial glial cells (RGs) generate sequentially most of the distinct types of neurons and glial cells that will populate the neocortex. The generation of these cells at the proper time and adequate numbers is key for the establishment of fully functional cerebral circuits. During the phase of neuronal production, RGs experience important changes in morphology, division mode and fate of their neuronal progeny. To provide evidence of the genetic networks underlying these changes, in the first part of this work we have compared the expression of protein-coding genes at the onset of neurogenesis (embryonic day (E)11.5) and during middle-late neurogenesis (E15.5). We found that the expression levels of 25% of these genes are regulated during neurogenesis, and a quarter of them are targets of developmentally regulated miRNAs. Down-regulated genes at E15.5 are mainly associated to cell cycle regulation, while most of the up-regulated genes encode for ion-transport proteins that may be involved in modulating the membrane potential of RGs. Moreover, we found significant up-regulation of synapse-related genes, supporting published reports that claim for the existence of a transcriptional “pre-patterning” in RGs. Among the regulated genes, we found significant enrichment in TEAD2 targets. YAP-TEAD transcriptional activity is regulated by mechanical cues and we found that a great number of differentially expressed genes in RGs encode for structural extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, suggesting a dynamic remodelling of the ECM along neurogenesis. This remodelling likely varies the physical properties of the ECM, and thereby YAP-TEAD transcriptional activity in RGs. The integrated analysis of the developmental regulated mRNAs and miRNAs suggests that let-7 miRNAs are involved in the regulation of collagen and other structural ECM genes. Lastly, our RNA-seq data shows that alternative splicing (AS) is also developmentally regulated in RGs and affects the expression of splicing events in 19% of the expressed protein-coding genes. Functional enrichment analysis of these genes indicates that AS in RGs may be involved in silencing synapse-related genes and the regulation of critical cellular functions such as the biogenesis of the cilium. In the second part of this work, we addressed the effects of DYRK1A haploinsufficiency in the generation and differentiation of cortical glial cells. DYRK1A is a kinase that has a conserved role in brain growth through evolution and regulates the generation, survival and differentiation of different neuron types. Mutations in DYRK1A cause a syndrome, named DYRK1A-haploinsufficiency syndrome, that is characterized by the presence of microcephaly and other clinical features including intellectual disability, autistic traits and epilepsy. Gliosis and hypomyelination have also been reported in affected children. Previous work of the laboratory has shown that the Dyrk1a+/- mouse mimics several of the phenotypic traits of the syndrome, including an increased number of astrocytes and hypomyelination of the corpus callosum (CC). Here, we show that the augmented number of astrocytes in Dyrk1a+/- neocortices results from an enhanced developmental astrogliogenesis. Moreover, we have observed a decreased generation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) in Dyrk1a+/- embryos that correlates with a delay in the appearance of oligodendrocytes in the CC. Focal demyelination experiments in the adult CC indicate that Dyrk1a+/- OPCs differentiate properly, suggesting that the oligodendroglial phenotype in Dyrk1a+/- mutants results from alterations in the generation of OPCs during development. In addition to hypomyelination, the CC of adult Dyrk1a+/- mice shows altered proportion of the myelin proteins PLP and MBP, shorter nodes of Ranvier and a deficit in the expression of the nodal sodium channel NAV1.6. Collectively, these results show that deficits in the generation and differentiation of glial cells may contribute to the neurological defects reported in individuals with DYRK1A-haploinsufficiency syndrome.

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