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Resumen de Impacto de las alteraciones genéticas en la clasificación y pronóstico del Linfoma B de alto grado

Sonia González de Villambrosia Pellón

  • español

    El linfoma de células B de alto grado, NOS, y el linfoma de células B Doble/Triple Hit se recategorizaron recientemente en la revisión de 2016 de la clasificación de neoplasias linfoides de la OMS. En este estudio hemos analizado las características genéticas, histopatológicas y clínicas de una serie de neoplasias linfoides de estos subgrupos (17 LBAG NOS y 53 LBAG DH/TH). El LBAG NOS mostró una mejor respuesta al tratamiento de primera línea en comparación con el LBAG DH/TH, aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas en SLP o SG entre las dos categorías. En el análisis de supervivencia en la serie global, se detectó que solo la presencia de la translocación BCL2 se asoció de forma signficativa con la SLP. Otras características clínicas como el IPI, LDH o estadio, fueron equivalentes en ambas categorías. Además, los patrones morfológicos de alto grado y LBDCG mostraron SLP y SG equivalentes en este conjunto de LCB de alto grado NOS/DH/TH.

    High Grade B Cell Lymphoma, NOS, and High Grade B Cell Lymphoma with Dual Hit or Triple Hit have been recently recategorized in the 2016 revision of the WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms. In this study we have characterized the genetic, histopathological, and clinical features of a series of this type of lymphoid neoplasia (17 HGBCL NOS and 53 HGBCL DH/TH). HGBCL NOS showed better response to first line treatment than HGBCL with DH/TH but no significant differences in PFS or OS were found between the two categories. Survival analysis in the whole cohort of cases found that only the presence of BCL2 translocation was significantly associated with PFS. Other clinical features such as IPI, LDH or stage were equivalent in both categories. Furthermore, both high grade and DLBCL morphological patterns sh

  • English

    High Grade B Cell Lymphoma, NOS, and High Grade B Cell Lymphoma with Dual Hit or Triple Hit have been recently recategorized in the 2016 revision of the WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms. In this study we have characterized the genetic, histopathological, and clinical features of a series of this type of lymphoid neoplasia (17 HGBCL NOS and 53 HGBCL DH/TH). HGBCL NOS showed better response to first line treatment than HGBCL with DH/TH but no significant differences in PFS or OS were found between the two categories. Survival analysis in the whole cohort of cases found that only the presence of BCL2 translocation was significantly associated with PFS. Other clinical features such as IPI, LDH or stage were equivalent in both categories. Furthermore, both high grade and DLBCL morphological patterns showed equivalent PFS and OS in this set of High grade BCL NOS/DH/TH.

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