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Resumen de Desarrollo de propuesta para la implementación de catastro físico 3D inicial. Caso de estudio en Ecuador

Julia D. Velastegui Caceres

  • español

    El objetivo general de esta investigación es el desarrollo de una propuesta de implementación de catastro físico 3D inicial en un área piloto del cantón Riobamba (provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador). Como paso previo, se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación catastral de varios cantones del país, considerando las características de los componentes físico, temático, jurídico y económico, identificando diferentes niveles de desarrollo catastral. Posteriormente, se procedió a generar una propuesta de modelo de dominio catastral 3D inicial. Para ello, se consideró la normativa nacional vigente (Acuerdo Ministerial 017-20) y la norma internacional (ISO 19152 LADM), pues se pretende que el modelo pueda ser replicado en los diferentes cantones del país, independientemente de su nivel de desarrollo catastral. El modelo fue aplicado en el área de estudio, siguiendo tres fases metodológicas. La primera abordó la adquisición y tratamiento de datos catastrales disponibles en el cantón; en una segunda fase, se generó, a partir de la propuesta de modelo de dominio catastral 3D inicial, una base de datos que integraba información geográfica y alfanumérica de los objetos catastrales y, en la tercera, se procedió a la representación tridimensional de objetos físicos catastrales. Finalmente, para demostrar el interés y las amplias posibilidades que puede ofrecer el catastro 3D en el ámbito de la gestión y planificación territorial, se desarrolló un análisis de vulnerabilidad de las edificaciones ante amenazas naturales (amenazas volcánicas, sísmicas y de inundaciones), basado en las características estructurales del objeto físico catastral y aplicando la metodología desarrollada por la Secretaría Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos del Ecuador. La investigación ha permitido comprobar como la mayoría de los sistemas catastrales analizados aún se encuentran en un nivel intermedio en cuanto a su implementación de un modelo catastral 3D deseable. Un resultado destacado ha sido la propuesta de modelo de dominio catastral 3D inicial, que pueda ser replicado en los diferentes cantones y, desde luego, ser punto de partida para futuros desarrollos del catastro 3D en el país. La implementación de una propuesta como la que se recoge aquí puede beneficiar diversos ámbitos de la administración local ecuatoriana, al aportar eficacia en la gestión de la información catastral. A su vez, las entidades locales se dotan de una información precisa, actualizada, de detalle que puede ser de enorme utilidad para apoyar las tareas de planificación y ordenación de sus respectivos territorios.

  • English

    The aim of this research is the development of an initial 3D physical cadastre implementation proposal in a pilot area of Riobamba canton (Chimborazo province, Ecuador). As a preliminary step, a diagnosis of the cadastral situation of several Ecuadorian cantons was carried out, of those that facilitated access to their cadastral information, since in Ecuador this type of information is not freely accessible. From this diagnosis, considering the characteristics of the physical, thematic, legal and economic components, it was possible to determine different levels of cadastral development in the analyzed cantons.

    Subsequently, the generation of an initial 3D cadastral domain model proposal was developed. For this, the current national regulations (Ministerial Agreement 017-20) and the international regulations (ISO 19152 LADM) were considered, since it is intended that the model can be replicated in the different cantons of the country, regardless of their level of cadastral development. The revision of ISO 19152 and the Ecuadorian Cadastral Domain Model, specified in the national regulations, allowed defining the main classes of the proposed model: LA_ Party (owners), LA_RRR (rights, responsibilities, restrictions), LA_BAUnit (administrative unit) and specifically, the LA_SpatialUnit class, which describes the spatial units (parcel, buildings and / or part of buildings), was defined in EC_Parcel (parcel) and in EC_PhysicalPropertyObject (building block). In turn, for the latter, the subclass EC_StructuralComponent was defined, which describes the structural component of buildings. The model proposal was completed with the specification of code list and associations between classes.

    The model was applied in the selected study area, following three methodological phases. The first phase was the acquisition and processing of cadastral data available in the canton; in a second phase, a database that integrated geographic and alphanumeric information of cadastral objects was generated, based on the initial 3D cadastral domain model, and in the third, a three-dimensional representation of cadastral physical objects was carried out.

    Finally, to demonstrate the interest and wide possibilities that the 3D cadastre can offer in the field of land management and planning, an analysis of the vulnerability of buildings to natural hazards (volcanic, seismic and flood hazards) was developed, based on the structural characteristics of the cadastral physical objects, and applying the methodology developed by the Secretaría Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos of Ecuador (SNGR 2011).

    The research has shown how most of the analyzed cadastral systems are still at an intermediate level in terms of their implementation of a desirable 3D cadastral model. An outstanding result has been the proposal of an initial 3D cadastral domain model, which can be replicated in the different cantons and, of course, be the starting point for future developments of the 3D cadastre in the country.

    The implementation of the initial 3D cadastral domain model, in the study area, involved the generation of a database considering the four main classes (LA_Party, LA_RRR, LA_BAUnit and LA_SpatialUnit), as well as the visualization at the level of detail 1 of the buildings in the pilot area of the canton Riobamba. The determination of their structural vulnerability to natural hazards, through the generation of numerical indices and their three-dimensional visualization, completes the set of results of this research.

    The identification of the limitations that the Ecuadorian cadastral system currently presents allowed to make viable the proposal of the initial 3D cadastral domain model; a model that could be a reference for countries with similar conditions and limitations to adapt international regulations such as ISO 19152 LADM to take the first steps in the development of a 3D cadastre. The implementation of a proposal such as the one listed here can benefit various areas of the Ecuadorian local administration, by providing efficiency in the management of their information, in this case, the cadastral information. It facilitates its monitoring and updating, reducing times and resource needs and, therefore, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of existing processes. In turn, local entities are provided with accurate, up-to-date, detailed information that can be extremely useful to support planning and management tasks in their respective territories.

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