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Resumen de El derecho administrativo en la Unión Europea: especial referencia a la contratación pública

Virginia Saldaña Ortega

  • español

    El Derecho administrativo global es considerado uno de los elementos vanguardistas que mayor literatura jurídica ha venido desarrollando a lo largo de las últimas décadas, precisamente por lo oportuno de su implementación en una realidad cada vez más caracterizada por la internacionalización de los procedimientos y de la mundialización. En este orden de ideas, es que venimos a analizar lo acontecido en el seno de una organización supranacional como la Unión Europea para reflexionar al respecto de la posible existencia de un Derecho administrativo europeo propiamente dicho, al entender que su proceso de desarrollo se ha visto indudablemente favorecido por la existencia de una supranacionalidad de hecho y una cesión de competencias que permiten que su actividad sea llevada a cabo de forma real y eficiente en muchos casos.

    La procura de una determinación real de las circunstancias que asolan a esta organización resulta de vital importancia para el correcto desarrollo de la nueva realidad instaurada del Derecho administrativo supranacional o europeo. Resulta para nosotros incuestionable como el proceso evolutivo acontecido en el seno de la Unión Europea y de su naturaleza, supone el estandarte fundamental en que se deben asentar todas nuestras pretensiones futuras, precisamente por lo oportuno que resulta, en pro de un desarrollo administrativo, la evolución de la organización hacia márgenes más armonizados, abiertos y solventes.

    De igual manera, procedemos a poner de manifiesto esta realidad en el seno de la contratación pública por entender que dicha submateria ha supuesto la consolidación real del Derecho administrativo europeo y siendo evidente y claro el proceso de europeización acontecido en la materia en el seno de las realidades nacionales. La contratación pública supone hoy en día una de las principales actividades de la realidad comunitaria, precisamente por lo oportuno de su utilidad para el desarrollo y progreso de otras realidades que se encuentran directamente ligadas con el buen ejercicio de la materia.

  • English

    Global administrative law is considered one of the avant-garde elements that has been developing the most legal literature in recent decades, precisely because of the timeliness of its implementation in a reality increasingly characterized by the internationalization of procedures and the globalized world. . In this order of ideas, it is that we come to analyze what happened within a supranational organization such as the European Union to come to reflect on the possible existence of a European Administrative Law itself, understanding that its development process is has undoubtedly been favored by the existence of a de facto supranationality and a transfer of powers that allow its activity to be carried out in a real and efficient way in many cases.

    Understanding how prudent it is to offer a complete and reliable structuring, not only of the nature that the European Union entails today, but also of the evolutionary process that it has undergone throughout its more than seventy years of existence, we believe that the attempt to a real determination of the circumstances that devastate this organization, is of vital importance for the correct development of the new reality established by supranational or European administrative law. It is unquestionable for us how the evolutionary process that has taken place within the European Union and its nature, supposes the fundamental standard on which all our future claims must be based, precisely because of how opportune it is, in favor of administrative development, the evolution of the organization towards more harmonized, open and solvent margins. The European Union must be the forerunner of a new era, and it must be led by the implementation of a true European administrative order, based on the correct development of a common administrative law that acts as an essential support for the procurement and protection of the rights that attend the citizenship of the European Union and that seeks the general interest, ultimately.

    In the same way, we proceed to highlight this reality within public procurement because we understand that this sub-matter has meant the real consolidation of European Administrative Law and the process of Europeanization that has taken place in the matter within the national realities. Public contracting is today one of the main activities of the community reality, precisely because of the timeliness of its usefulness for the development and progress of other realities that are directly linked to the proper exercise of the matter. We are referring, indeed, to the undoubted connection between public procurement and the progress that may occur in the European territory, since its activity represents unimaginable percentages of the European Gross Domestic Product, at least, until a few years ago. By virtue of all of the above, we have come to analyze the three elements succinctly highlighted in these lines, namely: the European Union as a sui géneris supranational organization; European Administrative Law as an unquestionable premise and Public Procurement Law as evidence and main argumentative support for the existence of the former.

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