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Resumen de Efectos en el apoyo tras la punción seca en el músculo tibial posterior. Estudio baropodométrico dinámico

Sonia del Río Medina

  • OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate changes in pressure in plantar support following treatment with deep dry needling of the posterior tibial muscle.

    STUDY DESIGN: We performed a randomized controlled trial (RCT), of experimental nature using a single-blinded assessor. The subject is assessed by means of pedobarograph four times: before being subjected to the intervention, immediately afterwards, and then at 24 and 72 hours. The sample number is 34. After randomization, there are 34 subjects in the control group and 48 in the intervention group, with a total of 82 subjects.

    RESULTS: The deep dry needling of the posterior tibial muscle modifies the footprint (plantar pressure), objectified by computerized dynamic pedobarograph.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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