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Memoria biocultural del conocimiento ancestral del agua para la resiliencia comunitaria. Casos de estudio embera-katios y zenúes ( colombia )

  • Autores: Ángela María Moreno Barros
  • Directores de la Tesis: Jordi Morató Farreras (dir. tes.), Lucía Eufemia Meneses Lucumi (codir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) ( España ) en 2021
  • Idioma: español
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  • Resumen
    • The present research titled: “BIOCULTURAL MEMORY OF THE ANCESTRAL KNOWLEDGE OF WATER FOR COMMUNITY RESILIENCE. CASE STUDIES EMBERA-KATIOS Y ZENÚES (COLOMBIA) ”, has the general objective of documenting and understanding the key factors of the Biocultural Memory of Water of the indigenous peoples Êmbêrâ-Katios and Zenú de Córdoba-Colombia for community resilience. At a methodological level, a description of the livelihoods is developed based on the information collected under the ethnographic method during the last 4 years (2017-2020), and with the development of instruments such as the in-depth interview, participant observation, journal of field and referential analysis on local and anthropological bibliography in the territory. The process of documentation of the Biocultural Memory linked to Water in both communities, highlights the loss of ancestral knowledge and cosmogonic universes, and a weakening of sovereignty in the territories, when analyzing the culture-nature relationship and current changes product of the vulnerability processes that affect the two communities. For the development of the proposed model for the construction of indicators for the measurement of community resilience, it was necessary to document and review he methods for measuring social vulnerability and community resilience for their application with indigenous communities at a local scale, and supported by data qualitative make a description of the processes of community resilience linked to the Biocultural Memory of water. The native peoples maintain respect for nature in their models of life. A collective and cultural construction of the past that enables the present. The old and new techniques related to water management are merged and become guidelines that should lead to keeping the principles of spiritual balance in force in the territories and directing decisions in the field of sustainability, including the ethnic-cultural dimension. many times forgotten. The loss that the intangible cultural heritage of the ancestral knowledge of Water presents for generations, in relation to how to maintain harmony and spirituality in the territories, is a negative effect on biocultural memory, producing socio-ecological changes. Therefore, it is imperative to generate models that allow reducing the rate of loss of the Water resource, to guarantee the survival of the population, its cosmogony and the ecosystems prioritized as producers and reservoirs of Water. From the intangible cultural heritage, the interconnection of the substratum land, water, life, with thoughts, observation and feeling, are cultural 4constructions of each original people, which we are called to defend and accompany for the benefit of the entire population. world. The research achieves with its results Incorporate ancestral knowledge related to water (Biocultural Memory) in the models of Measurement of community resilience of ethnic groups in contexts of vulnerability.

Fundación Dialnet

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