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Resumen de Liderazgo biomimético para las organizaciones del siglo xxi

Edita Olaizola Fernández

  • Among the better-known approaches are Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, the Circular Economy and the Collaborative Economy. All of these drive value for organisations, and all share this common characteristic: they are anthropocentric models.

    Our proposal goes one step further: we need a world view within which organisations should be understood in terms of their continuous need to learn from nature.This is the best way for organisations to be integrated into nature as one of its many ecosystems and thereby to contribute to its flourishing while at the same time respecting all the other subsystems of which the planet is comprised.The model we propase is Organisational Biomimetics.

    This study compares the traditional anthropocentric view with this new world view,and also offers a guide to the essential steps whereby Organisational Biomimetics could become the new reference point in terms of corporate management models by focusing simultaneously on two areas: what such a corporate model should look like; and what role new biomimetic leaders should play in it.

    The contribution of this research is particularly relevant considering the fact that we are currently in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which has so disrupted the lives of citizens throughout the world (and, of course, that of organisations as well). Today more than ever, we need a novel and radically different approach to how business is conducted.

    For this to be possíble, organisatíons need a new leadership model to guide them along thís new path: Biomimetic Leadership. Society is in increasíng need of just such an approach because. as Rifken (2019, 247), has argued: in the emerging Thírd Industrial Revolution, a generation of digital natives are beginníng to see themselves as a planetary cohort inhabiting a common biosphere: They are extending empathy in a more expansiva way, coming to think of themselves as members of a threatened species and empathizing with their common plight on a destabilizing Earth. And a growing number of young people are beginning to take a final step beyond, empathizing with all the other creatures with whom we share an evolutionary heritage. Objective: In addition to outlining the fundamental characteristics of biomimetic organisations, this paper presents a new leadershíp model which matches the world view the planet needs. To this end, this study defines a new corporate management model which learns from natura and outlines the qualities required of biomimetic leaders.

    This thesis is structured as follows: 1. outlining the characteristics of biomimetic organisations based on the tenets of biomimicry; 2.outlining the qualities of biomimetic leaders; 3. demonstrating how biomimet c leadership can be a driver of benefits for the organisation. To achieve this, the study will test two hypotheses: 1: that biomimetic leadership positively affects strategic management in sustainability, understood here as a systemíc approach which integrates the social, environmental and economic objectives of organisations.

    2: that biomimetic leadership positively affects innovation in environmental matters within organisations.

    The methodology adopted for this study works through the following sequence:professional experience + literature on organisations and on leadership + preparation of a questionnaire validated by a panel of experts + preparation and completion of a questionnaire for executives with experience in team management. Results:This effectively demonstrates that the biomimetic leadership behavioural model generales positive organisational outcomes in strategic management and environmental innovation.These results can be summarised as: a) biomimetic leadership is a coherent behavioural unit consisting of the validated traits; b) biomimetic leadership produces positive effects on the organisation.

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