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Resumen de The study of social egg freezing applying theories of framing and social domains: from the communicative treatment to the perception

Leila Mohammadi

  • The overall objective of this study is to explore the communicative strategies that fertility clinics use on their websites to offer social egg freezing treatments, and to understand women´s perception and experience regarding this phenomenon from theories of framing and social domain.

    Consistent with this theoretical framework, the study utilized a mixed methods approach: questionnaires responded by 442 women including 23 users of egg freezing technology, semi-structured interviews with 18 users together with, a content and discourse analysis.

    A marketing centred pattern has been identified for fertility clinics websites where the information aimed to promote egg freezing instead of being informative.

    Social egg freezing technology was understood by the participants as insurance for their future fertility life. This right time was linked to being socially and emotionally ready.

    Using theories of framing and social domain, as well as concepts of neoliberalism and consumerism, demonstrated how women's perception about social egg freezing technology is influenced by sociological factors including individual experiences; partnership and kinship and, laboral situation and workplace.

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