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Resumen de Innovación y desarrollo tecnológico de los procesos y técnicas de mantenimiento para las válvulas en buques de última generación

Ángel Varela Geis

  • This PhD thesis analyzes and sets the bases the new contributions of maintenance engineering for motorized valves, as well as the most appropiate strategies and technologies to guarantee the operational safety margin.

    Well-performed maintenance implies minimizing corrective maintenance while performing the least possible preventive maintenance. This might seem like a utopia, but during the last decades maintenance engineering has developed strategies and technologies to support it.

    The valve diagnosis technology has allowed the implementation of a condition based maintenance program on the motor operated valves, avoiding the most extensive preventive maintenance procedures, reducing the direct costs of the Maintenance Plan and limiting the unavailabilities that may affect the safety and the production.

    The main objective of this PhD thesis is to demostrate the possibility of innovating in the naval sector with a new technology for the motor operated valves maintenance on the sfips. This technology, as condition based maintenance, is the valve diagnosis test, wich recommends predictive maintenance actions based on measurement, monitoring and analysis of the essential electrical and mechanical parameters for the evaluation of their condition. Therefore, innovation in the naval sector is proposed through the application of valve diagnosis technology and the good practices of the nuclear power plants that have proven their effectivenessThe methodology followed in this PhD tesis consist of, firts of all, in a necessary clarification of maintenance engineering concepts.

    Furthermore, a detailed investigation of the State of the Art is carried out on the motor operated valves programe developed in the nuclear power plants. This programme was driven by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Nuclear Safety Council after the Three Mile Island accident. In the same chapter, the methodology used and the design hypotheses updates have been analyzed. Additionally, the evolution of its know-how in maintenance engineering developed between 1989 and 2017 has been studied.

    In chapter III, the analysis of the systems of the ships studied and their actuated valves that can be object of diagnosis is presented, as well as the justification of this technology to solve the uncertainties of the preventive maintenance by periods.

    Moreover, chapter IV specifies the innovation proposal and the methodology for the implementation of this technology in the naval industry. It also deals with the expected cost reduction and the inherent benefits on the safety and the production by reducing the unavailabilities of the motorized valves.

    Finally, chapter V includes the conclusion of the PhD thesis and the proposals for future research.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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