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Resumen de Techniques for advanced android malware triage

Omid Mirzaei

  • Android is the leading operating system in smartphones with a big difference. Statistics show that 88% of all smartphones sold to end users in the second quarter of 2018 were phones with the Android OS. Regardless of the operating systems which are running on smartphones, most of the functionalities of these devices are offered through applications. There are currently over 2 million apps only on the official Google store, known as Google Play. This huge market with billions of users is tempting for attackers to develop and distribute their malicious apps (or malware).

    Mobile malware has raised explosively since 2009. Symantec reported an increase of 54% in the new mobile malware variants in 2017 as compared to the previous year. Additionally, more incentive has been provided for profit-driven malware by the growth of black markets. This rise has happened for Android malware as well since only 20% of devices are running the newest major version of Android OS based on Symantec report in 2018. Android continued to be the most targeted platform with the biggest number of attacks in 2015. After that year, attacks against the Android platform slowed for the first time as attackers were faced with improved security architectures though Android is still the main appealing target OS for attackers. Moreover, advanced types of Android malware are found which make use of extensive anti-analysis techniques to evade static or dynamic analysis.

    To address the security and privacy concerns of complex Android malware, this dissertation focuses on three main objectives. First of all, we propose a light-weight yet efficient method to identify risky Android applications. Next, we present a precise approach to characterize Android malware based on their malicious behavior. Finally, we propose an adaptive learning system to address the security concerns of obfuscation in Android malware.

    Identifying potentially dangerous and risky applications is an important step in Android malware analysis. To this end, we develop a triage system to rank applications based on their potential risk. Our approach, called TriFlow, relies on static features which are quick to obtain. TriFlow combines a probabilistic model to predict the existence of information flows with a metric of how significant a flow is in benign and malicious apps. Based on this, TriFlow provides a score for each application that can be used to prioritize analysis. It also provides the analysts with an explanatory report of the associated risk. Our tool can also be used as a complement with computationally expensive static and dynamic analysis tools.

    Another important step towards Android malware analysis lies in their accurate characterization. Labeling Android malware is challenging yet crucially important, as it helps to identify upcoming malware samples and threats. A key challenge is that different researchers and anti-virus vendors assign labels using their own criteria, and it is not known to what extent these labels are aligned with the apps’ real behavior. Based on this, we propose a new behavioral characterization method for Android apps based on their extracted information flows. As information flows can be used to track why and how apps use specific pieces of information, a flow-based characterization provides a relatively easy-to-interpret summary of the malware sample’s behavior.

    Not all Android malware are easy to analyze due to advanced and easy-to- apply anti-analysis techniques that are available nowadays. Obfuscation is the most common anti-analysis technique that Android malware use to evade detection. Obfuscation techniques modify an app’s source (or machine) code in order to make it more difficult to analyze. This is typically applied to protect intellectual property in benign apps, or to hinder the process of extracting actionable information in the case of malware. Since malware analysis often requires considerable resource investment, detecting the particular obfuscation technique used may contribute to apply the right analysis tools, thus leading to some savings.

    Therefore, we propose AndrODet, a mechanism to detect three popular types of obfuscation in Android applications, namely identifier renaming, string encryption, and control flow obfuscation. AndrODet leverages online learning techniques, thus being suitable for resource-limited environments that need to operate in a continuous manner. We compare our results with a batch learning algorithm using a dataset of 34,962 apps from both malware and benign apps. Experimental results show that online learning approaches are not only able to compete with batch learning methods in terms of accuracy, but they also save significant amount of time and computational resources.

    Finally, we present a number of open research directions based on the outcome of this thesis.

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