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Resumen de Nueva ruta pulvimetalúrgica de producción de aceros inoxidables ferríticos de baja activación endurecidos por dispersión de óxidos (ODS-RAF) para su aplicación en futuros reactores de fusión nuclear

Emma Gil Murillo

  • español

    En esta tesis se ha mostrado la viabilidad de una ruta nueva de procesamiento de aceros ferríticos ODS inspirada en el método GARS. Se han obtenido, mediante atomización por gas, polvos de acero inoxidable ferrítico que contienen los formadores de la fase dispersa (Fe-14Cr-2W-(0.3-0.56)Ti-(0.18-0.37)Y)). De esta manera, se ha evitado la etapa del aleado mecánico. Se ha estudiado en profundidad el proceso de atomización y la influencia de sus parámetros en las características de los polvos. Para determinar con precisión la composición de los polvos, especialmente el contenido de itrio y titanio, se ha utilizado el ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometry). La retención de estos elementos ha resultado ser altamente dependiente del nivel de vacío alcanzado en el atomizador.

    Se ha llevado a cabo la oxidación a bajas temperaturas del polvo atomizado (100-375 °C) para ajustar el contenido de oxígeno a valores equivalentes a la adición de Y2O3 y se han seleccionado los parámetros óptimos para alcanzar este objetivo. Se ha comprobado que la oxidación bajo estas condiciones sigue una cinética logarítimica, lo que permite que el ajuste del oxígeno se realice de forma robusta. En esta etapa tiene lugar un crecimiento de una capa ultrafina de óxido metaestable, rica sobre todo en hierro, que actúa como fuente de oxígeno para la formación de los nanoclusters Y-Ti-O durante los posteriores pasos del procesamiento. La técnica XPS (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) ha permitido el estudio de la evolución de los óxidos superficiales durante la oxidación así como la identificación de cada fase. Además, se ha observado mediante FEG-SEM (Fied-Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy) y TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) la microestructura superficial e interna tanto del polvo atomizado como del oxidado para identificar las diferencias entre ellos.

    Tras la oxidación, se han realizado ensayos de HIP a diferentes temperaturas para seleccionar la temperatura óptima de disociación de los óxidos localizados en las PPBs (Prior Particle Boundaries). Se ha comprobado que si se llevan a cabo ensayos de HIP a altas temperaturas, se forman los nanoclusters Y-Ti-O por la disociación de la capa de óxido. El oxígeno proveniente de esta capa se queda libre y difunde desde las PPBs a la matriz interna de la partícula previa (PP), donde reacciona con el itrio y el titanio. Además, se han llevado a cabo tratamientos térmicos del material tras HIP para estudiar la evolución de los precipitados tanto en las PPBs como en el interior de las PP. Se han utilizado el FEG-SEM y el TEM para evaluar las características microestructurales tras la consolidación mediante HIP y tras los tratamientos térmicos post-HIP. Asimismo, se ha empleado la técnica EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction) para estudiar los cambios en el tamaño de grano de ferrita a medida que aumenta la temperatura. Además, se ha estudiado la evolución del itrio y el titanio desde la atomización hasta los tratamientos térmicos post-HIP mediante espectroscopía de absorción de rayos X en la Universidad de Latvia.

    Finalmente, se ha sometido el material a laminación en caliente, en el KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), para afinar el tamaño de grano y conseguir una mayor dispersión de las nanopartículas que mejore las propiedades mecánicas obtenidas en la etapa anterior de procesamiento. Se han llevado a cabo ensayos de tracción a temperaturas comprendidas entre 20-700 °C, sobre muestras mecanizadas a partir del material laminado en caliente, para estudiar la resistencia y ductilidad del material final. Estas propiedades proporcionan una valiosa perspectiva sobre la viabilidad de la aplicación de este material en diferentes tipos de reactores.

    Se ha demostrado la viabilidad de la obtención de aceros ferríticos ODS mediante la nueva ruta de producción propuesta, que evita el aleado mecánico.

  • English

    Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic stainless steel alloys are being considered for structural components within future generation nuclear power reactors (fusion reactors and generation IV fission reactors (GEN IV)) and Ultra Supercritical Coal-Fired Reactors (USC). These alloys have demonstrated superior high temperature strength and creep resistance, as well as high resistance to swelling, helium embrittlement and irradiation creep. Low additions of yttrium form dispersoids with high temperature stability, whereas titanium additions promote further refinement of the resulting oxide-dispersoid size. Moreove,r W is a solid-solution strengthener for the iron-chromium matrix phase. The improved mechanical properties are a direct result of a very fine grain size, which can be developed through a series of thermo mechanical treatments. This grain size is stabilized due to the formation of finely spaced nanometric oxide precipitates. All this prevents movements of dislocations. Thus, the functionality of an ODS alloy relies on developing a microstructure that contains a distribution of finely spaced and highly stable nanometric oxide particles. Conventional route of these ferritic ODS steels consists on the mechanical alloying of the elemental powders or gas atomized prealloyed powders where Y2O3 or yttrium elemental or alloyed with other elements is introduced in order to generate precursor oxide dispersion forming particulate. This is followed by encapsulation, hot isostatic pressing (HIP) or hot extrusion consolidation and different thermo-mechanical treatments for the formation of the fine grain structure and very fine Y-Ti-O nanoclusters dispersion. However, mechanical alloying step involves several drawbacks such as contamination from grinding media and jars, resulting in the increase of interstitials elements (O, N, C) associated to long milling times and grinding atmosphere, and batch to batch heterogeneities. In order to avoid this step, the so-called Gas Atomization Reaction Synthesis (GARS) method was developed at AMES Laboratory (USA). This process is a simplified way to obtain steel powders which will generate oxide dispersion during further steps of the manufacturing route. In this thesis the feasibility of a new processing route of ferritic ODS steels inspired by GARS method is shown. Ferritic stainless steel powders already containing the oxide-dispersion formers (Fe-14Cr-2W-(0.3-0.56)Ti-(0.18-0.37)Y) were produced by inert gas atomization. In this way, mechanical alloying step is avoided. The atomization process and their parameters influence on powder characteristics are deeply studied. ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry) is used to determine the exact composition of powders, especially titanium and yttrium contents. The retention of these elements turn out to be highly dependent on atomizer vacuum level. Low temperature oxidation of atomized steel powders (100-375 °C) was applied to adjust oxygen content to value equivalent to Y2O3 additions and the optimal parameters are selected to achieve this target. It is verified that the oxidation with these parameters follow a logarithmic rate, which enables robust adjustment of the required oxygen values. This step yielded the growth of an ultrathin metaestable Fe-rich oxide layer on the particles surfaces that acts as O reservoir for the formation of Y-Ti-O nanoclusters during subsequent stages of processing course. XPS technique (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy) allows the study of the superficial oxide evolution during oxidation process and the identification of each oxide. Moreover, the superficial and internal microstructure of the as-atomized and oxidized powder was observed with FEG-SEM (Field-Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscope) and TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) to identify differences between them. On the other hand, oxidation kinetics studies revealed a logarithmic rate law. After oxidation, HIPping was carried out at different temperatures to select the optimum temperature for dissociating oxides located at PPBs (Prior Particle Boundaries). If HIPping carried out at elevated temperatures, Y-Ti-O nanoclusters were formed by dissociation of the oxide layer. Oxygen from this layer become free and diffuses from PPBs to the internal prior particle (PP) matrix where react with yttrium and titanium. Heat treatment was performed to as-HIPped material in order to study the evolution of precipitates on PPBs and the interior of PP. FEG-SEM and TEM were used to evaluate microstructural features after consolidation by HIP and post-HIP thermal treatments. Besides, EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction) technique was applied to study changes in the grain size with temperature. Moreover, yttrium and titanium evolution, from atomization to post-HIP heat treatments, was studied by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy at Latvia University. Finally, hot rolling was carried out (at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)), to refine grain size and improve nanoparticle dispersion achieving better mechanical properties than for previous step material. Tensile tests of machined samples of hot rolled material were performed at temperatures between 20-700 °C so as to study strength and ductility of final material. These properties provide a deep insight into the feasibility of applying this material on different type of reactors. It has been shown the viability to obtain ferritic ODS steels by proposed new processing route, without mechanical alloying.

Fundación Dialnet

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