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Resumen de Inmunoendocrine responses against neospora caninum infection in pregnant cows

Daniel Martínez Bello

  • SUMMARY The global aim of this study was to contribute to understand endocrine and immune modulation in purebreed and crossbreed pregnancies in cattle chronically infected with Neospora caninum. Endocrine interactions between N. caninum and Coxiella burnetii infection were also described in pregnant dams.

    In the first study we evaluated cortisol concentrations in pregnant high producing dairy cows including chronically N. caninum infected dams. Higher plasma cortisol concentrations throughout pregnancy were associated with low plasma progesterone levels and with primiparous cows and no effect was related to N. caninum infection per se.

    The second study was designed to determine whether C. burnetii and N. caninum infection affects hormonal patterns, such as progesterone, cortisol, pregnancy associated glycoproteins (PAG), and prolactin during gestation in lactating cows. N. caninum and C. burnetii infection or the presence of both modify endocrine patterns throughout gestation. Seropositivity to C. burnetii was associated with placental damage and diminishing PAG levels throughout the second half of gestation, along with increased plasma cortisol levels on Day 180 of gestation.

    The aim of the third study was to identify possible differences in N. caninum specific total plasma IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 antibody levels in purebreed and crossbreed pregnancies throughout gestation in beef and dairy cattle chronically infected with N. caninum aborting versus non aborting. Humoral mechanisms against N. caninum infection and abortion differ in purebreed pregnancies and crossbreed pregnancies in beef/dairy cattle.

    In the fourth study we examined the effects of crossbreeding on plasma progesterone (P4), pregnancy associated glycoprotein-1 and 2 (PAG-1 and PAG-2), and prolactin patterns produced during gestation in N. caninum-infected beef/dairy cows. Embryo transfer was used to increase foetal-maternal genetic distance. chronic N. caninum infection modifies endocrine patterns of PAG-2 and P4 during pregnancy, whereas PAG-1 and prolactin concentrations are affected by breed and fetal genotype irrespective of Neospora-infection status.

    In conclusion, the presence of chronic infections and foetal genotype together with genetic distance between mother and foetus modify endocrine and immune pattern through gestation by different mechanisms, most of them in deep relation with utero-placental interface and its immunomodulators molecules.

    RESUMEN El objectivo global de este estudio fue contribuir a entender la modulación inmune y endocrina en gestaciones de razas puras y cruzadas en ganado crónicamente infectado por Neospora caninum. Las interacciones endocrinas entre la infección por N. caninum y Coxiella burnetii fue también descrita en hembras gestantes.

    En el primer estudio se evaluó la concentración de cortisol en vacas lecheras gestantes de alta producción incluyendo animales crónicamente infectados por N. caninum. Los resultados mostraron mayor concentración de cortisol plasmático associado a niveles bajos de progesterona plasmática y también en vacas primíparas pese a que ningún efecto fue relacionado con la infección por N. caninum per se.

    El segundo estudio fue diseñado para determinar si las infecciones por C. burnetii y N. caninum afectan a patrones hormonales tales como progesterona, cortisol, proteínas asociadas a la gestación (PAG), y prolactina durante la gestación en vacas lactantes. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las infecciones por N. caninum o C. burnetii o la presencia de ambas modifican los patrones endocrinos a lo largo de la gestación. La seropositividad a C. burnetii se asoció con daño placentario y disminución de los niveles de PAG durante la segunda mitad de la gestación, acompañada de un incremento del cortisol plasmático en torno al día 180 de gestación.

    El objectivo del tercer estudio fue identificar posibles diferencias en los niveles de IgG totales, IgG1 e IgG2, específicos frente a N. caninum en gestaciones de vacas de razas puras y cruzadas

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