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El gobierno de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en las instituciones públicas de educación superior en méxico

  • Autores: Carlos Alberto Franco Reboreda
  • Directores de la Tesis: Ramón Salvador Vallès (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) ( España ) en 2017
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: José María Castán Farrero (presid.), Xavier Llinàs Audet (secret.), Salomé Valero Cumplido (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: TDX
  • Resumen
    • lnformation and communication technologies (ICT) are considered as strategic assets in most organizations because of their decisive influence in an increasing number of processes and their high impact on the competitiveness of organizations. To get the maximum value out of them , it is necessary to align the ICT objectives with the strategic objectives of the organization ; for this , it is necessary to implement an ICT government system.

      In rvlexico , there are no consolidated initiatives on ICT government in higher education institutions (HEI), so this research propases a baseline, a starting point, on which road maps can be drawn towards the consolidation of ICT government initiatives in these institutions .

      This research presents an overview of the current state of ICT governance in HEI affiliated to the National Association of Universities and lnstitutions of Higher Education (ANUIES), which belong to the Council of Public Universities and Related lnstitutions (CUPIA) ; which is the largest and most representative public HEI group in rvlexico , as it brings together the institutions with the highest enrollment and which concentrate the greater part of the budget in public higher education.

      This is achieved through the analysis , contrast and association of the information collected through an online survey, made up of a questionnaire of 53 questions , answered by a sample of 73 institutions , which is statistically representative , so that its results are applicable to The 88 HEI that make up the CUPIA The study proposes 20key aspects to be evaluated in arder to organize the results of the 52 indicators proposed for ICT government in HEI. Likewise, a descriptive study draws conclusions about the phenomena studied.

      A rationality is proposed to evaluate the approaches of each of the 9 proposed sub-hypotheses , consisting of five stages : to establish an antecedent characteristic; to identify institutions that comply, or partially comply with , or do not comply with , the antecedent characteristic ; to determine the consequent factors; to define comparison indexes with associated numerical values ; and to contrast the initial approaches with the comparison indexes to support or discard each sub-hypothesis .

      The conclusions are developed in ten sections that represent high-level conceptual constructs that may be of interest to CIO and senior university managers. These can be useful to support the decision making within the HEI, as well as to strengthen the strategic pians or to underpin the ICT governance strategies of these institutions .

      One important contribution of this research work is to present the current state of the government of ICT in rvlexican public HEI, since there was no similar study in rvlexico, and it has been of great interest not only for the participating institutions themselves , but also for non-profit organizations , civil society and even other HEI from abroad . In addition , it has succeeded in capturing interest and fostering collaboration between different institutions to achieve high levels of participation in the field study, a highly valued aspect of the work done.

      The limitations of the study are those associated with the collection of information by means of an online survey and as it is carried out on the set of institutions that are part of the CUPIA the analysis for the groups of private universities and technological institutes is postponed for later work.

      From the conclusions of the study, hypotheses that may be interestig for later study can be form ulated, such as the comparison between measurements of different groups : public institutions , private institutions and technological institutes ; the establishment of cause-effect relationships ; or the approach for prospective studies.

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