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Resumen de El planeamiento como sistema: el caso de curitiba, brasil: principios, instrumentos y evolución del sistema de planeamiento urbanístico y ambiental de curitiba (1965-2004)

Francisco de Assis Rosa

  • The paper analyzes the urban and environmental planning of the Brazilian city of Curitiba implemented between the mid-1960's and the 2000's. It also examines the evolution of the ideas and methods applied in municipal public interventions under the validity of its master plan (1966-2004). The research seeks to answer questions related to the relevance of the planning of this city, the set of concepts and methods that make up its supposed planning system, whether this set is recognizable in the physical structure of the city and its possible applicability. It also seeks to understand the role played by the main instruments of urban planning and its managing team, in prior and contemporaneous periods to the period aforementioned.

    The research has as a backdrop the theoretical and methodological understanding of the constitution of integrated urban and environmental planning systems, using Curitiba as a case study. Within this context, and in addition to the analysis of international guidance documents for sustainable economic development, we highlight the opportunity to recognize precepts and significant methods in the history of the territorial urban planning, coming from titles following the 1933 Athens Charter, such as the 1952 La Tourette Charter and the 1958 Andes Charter, as well as their possible influence on the Brazilian planning and, above all, on the Curitiba planning, and how these concepts and methods helped shape a possible integrated planning system.

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