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Resumen de Oasys: ontology for autonomous systems

Julita Bermejo Alonso

  • OASys (Ontology for Autonomous Systems) captures and exploits the concepts to support the description and the engineering process of any autonomous system. OASys is a domain ontology structured in two ontologies, with two levels of abstraction, innerly organised into Subontologies and Packages. All the ontological elements have been formalised using the UML modelling language, to express the concetps, relations, and attributes.

    The autonomous systems' description has been formalised in the ASys Ontology, divided into the System Subontology and the ASys Subontology. The first one describes at a general knowledge level any kind of autonomous system's structure, function and behaviour. The latter specialises the former knowledge for the autonomus system domain.

    The autonomous systems' engineering process has been formalised n the ASys Engineering Ontology, structured into the System Engineering Subontology and the ASys Engineering Subontology. The first one formalises the engineering process of any kind of system. The second one specialises the former ontological elements for the domain of autonomous systems.

    OASys has been complemented with the development of the OASys-based Engineering Methodology that exemplifies the use of OASys in a generic autonomous systems engineering process.

    Both elements, the ontology and the methodology, have been applied in two testbeds: the Robot Control Testbed (RCT), and the Process Control Testbed (PCT). The RCT is a collection of mobile robot systems. The PCT involves the development of a robust control architecture for a chemical reaction system.

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