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La persuasión como estrategia discursiva: técnicas pragmático-suasorias en mítines de mujeres políticas

  • Autores: Raquel Muñoz Serrano
  • Directores de la Tesis: Eulalia Hernández Sánchez (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad de Murcia ( España ) en 2017
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Ricardo Escavy Zamora (presid.), María Isabel López Martínez (secret.), Inmaculada Penadés Martínez (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: DIGITUM
  • Resumen
    • español

      RESUMEN El lenguaje de los políticos presenta la complejidad necesaria como para valorar y analizar de forma pormenorizada aspectos como: los presupuestos de los que se parten, la fuerza ilocutiva del orador, el lenguaje verbal y no verbal, las implicaciones, etc. En esta tesis examinaremos los discursos de algunas mujeres políticas españolas durante las campañas a las Elecciones Generales españolas de 2011 y 2015.

      El objetivo primordial que se persigue es el estudio de las estrategias persuasivas del discurso político, concretamente, de las mujeres políticas españolas a lo largo de la campaña electoral. Analizaremos las estrategias empleadas para transmitir una imagen e influir en los votantes, así como los mecanismos de cortesía para atenuar y lograr el consenso. Podríamos concretar los objetivos, que se centran básicamente en: 1) Profundizar en aspectos de Sociolingüística, Pragmática y Análisis del Discurso; 2) Estudiar los trabajos más significativos en torno al Análisis del Discurso y a la tipología para la descripción del texto argumentativo, en concreto el discurso político; 3) Analizar las características del lenguaje político para llegar a los potenciales votantes y conseguir adhesiones; 4) Caracterizar las estrategias que utilizan las oradoras para lograr la persuasión; 5) Contribuir al estudio del lenguaje político y a esclarecer, en la medida de lo posible, las divergencias y afinidades entre la forma de decir, la forma de acercarse al auditorio y el modo de utilizar los recursos de persuasión; 6) Sistematizar los resultados obtenidos de esta investigación en la elaboración de las conclusiones.

      La metodología empleada para lograr los objetivos es deductiva, ya que se inicia con la revisión teórica para llegar al análisis discursivo de un corpus, formado por intervenciones realizadas durante las campañas electorales previas a las Elecciones Generales de noviembre de 2011 y marzo de 2015 por las mujeres más destacadas del Partido Popular (PP), Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), Ahora Madrid-Podemos, Barcelona en Común-Podemos, Compromís y Unión, Progreso y Democracia (UPyD). Se trata de discernir cuáles son las estrategias o mecanismos de persuasión que cada una de ellas sigue a la hora de defender un programa, y si estas estrategias dependen o están interrelacionadas con su ideología y el partido al que pertenecen. El lenguaje no verbal también va a ser motivo de estudio por la importancia que tiene en la comunicación interpersonal.

      En la presente investigación se tienen en cuenta elementos de la Política, la Oratoria, la Retórica, Pragmática, la Sociolingüística y el Análisis del Discurso, pues se hace referencia, desde el discurso oral, a aspectos verbales y no verbales que pueden parecer irrelevantes a primera vista y que exigen un análisis crítico del discurso.

      Como conclusiones, resaltamos las siguientes: 1) El aspecto social y comunicativo cobra una gran importancia, si bien, en las primeras investigaciones lingüísticas no se ha tenido en cuenta; 2) La Pragmática y el Análisis del Discurso se centran precisamente en el contexto, de ahí que tanto el Principio de Cooperación de Grice (1975) como la condición de sinceridad de Searle (1969) contemplen la ruptura de los principios reguladores ideales en determinadas ocasiones; 3) Si tenemos en cuenta que la persuasión juega un papel fundamental, no siempre es posible cumplir con las máximas, de ahí la importancia de las estrategias de cortesía; 4) En la argumentación política, cada oradora ha llevado a cabo estrategias para persuadir; 5) El lenguaje, el vocabulario o las estructuras utilizadas no nos llevan a considerar que la mujer tenga un lenguaje especial.

    • English

      ABSTRACT The politicians' language presents a necessary complexity in order to assess and analyze in detail aspects such as budgets from which to depart, the illocutionary force of the speaker, verbal and non-verbal language, implications, etc. In this thesis, we will examine the speeches of some Spanish women politicians during the campaigns to the Spanish General Elections of 2011 and 2015.

      The main pursued objective is the study of the persuasive strategies of political discourse, specifically, of Spanish women politicians throughout the electoral campaign. We will analyze the strategies used to convey an image and influence voters, as well as courtesy mechanisms to mitigate and achieve consensus. We could fulfill the objectives, which are basically focused on; 1) To deepen in aspects of Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis; 2) To study the most significant works around the Discourse Analysis and the typology for the description of the argumentative text, specifically the political discourse; 3) To analyze the characteristics of the political language to reach potential voters and get adhesions; 4) To characterize the strategies used by the speakers to achieve persuasion; 5) To contribute to the study of political language and to clarify, as far as possible, the differences and affinities between the way of saying, the way of approaching the audience and the way of using persuasive resources; 6) To systematize the results obtained from this research in the elaboration of the conclusions.

      The methodology used to achieve the objectives is deductive, since it begins with the theoretical revision to arrive at the discursive analysis of a corpus, made up of interventions made during the electoral campaigns prior to the General Elections of November 2011 and March 2015 by the Popular Party (PP), Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), Now Madrid-Podemos, Barcelona in Common-Podemos, Commitment Coalition and Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD). It is about discerning the strategies also called mechanisms of persuasion, which each of them follows when they are defending a program, and if these strategies depend or are interrelated with their ideology and the party which they belong to. Non-verbal language will also be a reason for study because of the importance it has in the interpersonal communication.

      In the present research, elements of Politics, Speech, Rhetoric, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis are taken into account, since oral discourse refers to verbal and nonverbal aspects which may seem irrelevant at first sight, and which require a critical analysis of the discourse.

      As conclusions, we highlight the following: 1) The social and communicative aspect is of great importance, although the first linguistic research has not been taken into account; 2) Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis focus precisely on the context, hence both Grice's Principle of Cooperation (1975) and Searle's (1969) sincerity condition contemplate the breaking of ideal regulatory principles at certain times ; 3) If we consider that persuasion plays a fundamental role, it is not always possible to comply with the maxims, hence the importance of courtesy strategies; 4) In the political argument, each speaker has carried out strategies to persuade; 5) The language, vocabulary or structures used do not lead us to consider that women have a special language.

      ABSTRACT The politicians' language presents a necessary complexity in order to assess and analyze in detail aspects such as budgets from which to depart, the illocutionary force of the speaker, verbal and non-verbal language, implications, etc. In this thesis, we will examine the speeches of some Spanish women politicians during the campaigns to the Spanish General Elections of 2011 and 2015.

      The main pursued objective is the study of the persuasive strategies of political discourse, specifically, of Spanish women politicians throughout the electoral campaign. We will analyze the strategies used to convey an image and influence voters, as well as courtesy mechanisms to mitigate and achieve consensus. We could fulfill the objectives, which are basically focused on; 1) To deepen in aspects of Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis; 2) To study the most significant works around the Discourse Analysis and the typology for the description of the argumentative text, specifically the political discourse; 3) To analyze the characteristics of the political language to reach potential voters and get adhesions; 4) To characterize the strategies used by the speakers to achieve persuasion; 5) To contribute to the study of political language and to clarify, as far as possible, the differences and affinities between the way of saying, the way of approaching the audience and the way of using persuasive resources; 6) To systematize the results obtained from this research in the elaboration of the conclusions.

      The methodology used to achieve the objectives is deductive, since it begins with the theoretical revision to arrive at the discursive analysis of a corpus, made up of interventions made during the electoral campaigns prior to the General Elections of November 2011 and March 2015 by the Popular Party (PP), Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), Now Madrid-Podemos, Barcelona in Common-Podemos, Commitment Coalition and Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD). It is about discerning the strategies also called mechanisms of persuasion, which each of them follows when they are defending a program, and if these strategies depend or are interrelated with their ideology and the party which they belong to. Non-verbal language will also be a reason for study because of the importance it has in the interpersonal communication.

      In the present research, elements of Politics, Speech, Rhetoric, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis are taken into account, since oral discourse refers to verbal and nonverbal aspects which may seem irrelevant at first sight, and which require a critical analysis of the discourse.

      As conclusions, we highlight the following: 1) The social and communicative aspect is of great importance, although the first linguistic research has not been taken into account; 2) Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis focus precisely on the context, hence both Grice's Principle of Cooperation (1975) and Searle's (1969) sincerity condition contemplate the breaking of ideal regulatory principles at certain times ; 3) If we consider that persuasion plays a fundamental role, it is not always possible to comply with the maxims, hence the importance of courtesy strategies; 4) In the political argument, each speaker has carried out strategies to persuade; 5) The language, vocabulary or structures used do not lead us to consider that women have a special language.

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