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La fotogrametría como herramienta para la conservación y valorización de bienes patrimoniales.

  • Autores: José Enrique Segura Valera
  • Directores de la Tesis: José Antonio Martínez López (dir. tes.), Francisco Javier López Martínez (dir. tes.), Juan Roldán Ruiz (dir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia ( España ) en 2017
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Diego Pablo Ruiz Padillo (presid.), Eloisa González Ponce (secret.), Salvador Fontenla Ballesta (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: RIUCAM
  • Resumen
    • This document is a direct consequence of my professional relationship during the latest years developing projects of topographic surveys and geometric documentation of the Spanish Patrimony, as well as, from 2008 to nowadays, of my teaching activity revolved around graphic representation of Patrimony as teacher of “Topography and Stakeout Surveys”, “Protection, Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Architectonic Patrimony” and “Archaeology and Architectonic Restoration” in the Architecture Degree and Building Engineering Degree at the Higher Polytechnic School of the San Antonio’s Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).

      In addition, the training given in national professional bodies in the form of in-person and online workshops to, amongst others, the Technical Facility team of the Urban Development and Housing Department of Murcia City Council and, serving as collaborating external agent, to the Technological Institute of Murcia (ITM), provide my career path with a large theoretical and practical experience for the exercising of this technic.

      This document is the result of the UCAM’s Research Plan 2013-2014 within the Doctorate in Urbanism regulated by the RD 1393/2007 and that establishes the foundations for granting of a Pre-doctoral Contract for research personnel training.

      The axis around which the research revolves is the preservation and dissemination of the cultural Patrimony through topographic surveys, graphic representations and geometric-dimensional studies for the documentation of these with the photogrammetry as useful way/tool in each one of the intervention phases.

      The Patrimony is a necessary resource for the social development that, due to its essential value of identity, diversity and image, contributes to the evidentiary declaration of the human civilization in its constant evolving process. The commitment of transferring and perpetuation of our cultural legacy and the perception of the value with all that gives to our heritage, in a social way, provide the foundations of which this thesis is intending: preservation, management and dissemination of the Patrimony through three-dimensional models with metric value.

      As result of the exposed interest and the experiences, previous and specific, carried out during the essay of this document, it’s proposed a protocol for the implementation of topographic surveys according to an integration plan of action which provides technical solutions to undertake different case studies within scope of documentation, representation and preservation of the patrimonial goods attending to them regardless of they are architectonic, archaeological and/or industrial and always demonstrating that it’s a viable tool within an integral process.

      Thus, the main objective followed throughout this thesis is to analyse the integration of digital photogrammetry as technic against traditional methodology of good patrimony surveys, studying advantages and limitations of this in the architectonic, archaeological and industrial fields and their employment opportunities.

      Deepening in this general objective, next specific objectives are detailed: 1. To expose how digital photogrammetry is an useful and appropriate tool in the documentation of the architectonic, archaeological and industrial Patrimony in an integral intervention process.

      2. To develop an by-step actuation protocol which, applying digital photogrammetry, allows to get data to document the architectonic, archaeological and industrial Patrimony.

      The quality of this research is in the use of the same technic, the photogrammetry, to produce 3D models and elevation, plan and section diagrams, applied to diverse fields in a direct way.

      The actuation protocol here exposed provides an suitable procedure to the totality of the digital photogrammetry surveys and demonstrates that the digital photogrammetry expand the resolution possibilities of the professionals, teachers or researchers related to these fields; it makes viable the reduction of multidisciplinary personnel, costs, risks, instrumentation, time on site and cabinet work; it expands the flexibility of results under an only action, it facilitates the temporary registration and it sorts out and supplies (directly or indirectly) all the graphic and photographic documentation demanded or required along an integral intervention process about the architectonic, archaeological and industrial patrimony.

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