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Resumen de Enemies, partners or friends? Employers perspectives on conflict management by employee representatives in Europe

Ana Belén García Jurado

  • español

    Un diálogo constructivo entre la patronal y los representantes de los trabajadores (RTs) es clave para alcanzar una óptima toma de decisiones, prevenir el escalamiento de los conflictos, y encontrar soluciones integradoras para los problemas de la organización. Este diálogo social se encuentra ya institucionalizado en muchos países, especialmente en la Unión Europea.

    Esta tesis pretende comprender mejor los conflictos y comportamientos de gestión del conflicto de los RTs, particularmente desde la perspectiva de los directores de Recursos Humanos (RRHH), sus homólogos en la mesa de negociación.

    En primer lugar, desarrollamos un modelo heurístico (capítulo 1), definiendo nuestras variables de estudio. Nos centramos así en las competencias percibidas por la patronal de los RTs en relación a: a) los conflictos de tarea y relacionales; b) el comportamiento en el conflicto; c) la influencia en la toma de decisiones; y d) la calidad del proceso de toma de decisiones.

    Para cumplir dichos objetivos llevamos a cabo 5 estudios.

    El primer estudio (capítulo 2) consiste en una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre los conflictos y el comportamiento en el conflicto por parte de los RTs, a nivel organizacional, en relación con la confianza entre las partes. El segundo (capítulo 3), tercer (capítulo 4) y cuarto estudio (capítulo 5) son empíricos y se basan en datos cuantitativos recogidos de 614 directores de RRHH en 11 países europeos. En el capítulo final (capítulo 6), resumimos nuestros hallazgos y discutimos las implicaciones teóricas y prácticas.

    El segundo estudio (capítulo 3) analiza las relaciones entre las competencias percibidas de los RTs, su comportamiento de gestión del conflicto (cooperativo y competitivo), y la influencia percibida en el proceso de toma de decisiones tanto en cuestiones de tipo tradicional como innovadoras. El estudio tres (capítulo 4) investiga las relaciones entre el conflicto de tarea y relacional el comportamiento de gestión de conflicto y la calidad de los acuerdos. El estudio cuatro (capítulo 5) adopta un enfoque más amplio sobre la posición de los RTs en Europa; en dicho capítulo profundizamos sobre las percepciones de los RTs por parte de la patronal analizando las diferencias más significativas entre los países participantes. Finalmente, concluimoseste estudio con posibles intervenciones para la mejora del diálogo social en la mesa de negociación.

  • English

    In organizations, a constructive dialogue between management and representatives of employees is essential to come to optimal decision making, prevent escalation of conflicts, and find integrative solutions for problems in the organization, related to the interests of employees. This social dialogue is in many countries, and especially within the European Union institutionalized. Elected and protected employee representatives (ERs), engage in social dialogue with management. This relation however is often conflictive. In this dissertation, we aim to gain a deeper understanding on the conflicts and conflict behaviors of ERs, particularly as perceived by their counterpart in the organization, being HR managers. This subject is understudied, however of great interest, both from academic and societal point of view. First, we developed a heuristic model for this dissertation (chapter 1), defining our key variables. We focus on perceived competences of ERs, in relation to task- and relationship conflicts between management and ERs, conflict behavior by ERs, and the perceived influence of ERs on decision making, as well as on the quality of this decision making. We did so through four different studies.

    Our first study is a systematic literature review on conflict and conflict behavior by ERs at organizational level related to the trust between the parties. We found only a very limited number of empirical studies, and particularly few quantitative studies, investigating these relations in this context.

    Our second, third and fourth studies are based on a large multi-national survey. This was conducted in 11 EC member states, with 614 HR-managers participating.

    Study two investigates the relations between perceived competences of ERs, their cooperative and competitive conflict behavior, and the perceived influence on decision making on traditional and innovative issues. Based on theories of competences, conflict behavior and influence, we tested our model, demonstrating that perceived competences are positively related with influence on both types of issues. This relation is partly mediated by conflict behavior. The theory of conglomerate conflict behavior is supported, with cooperative and competitive behavior contributing positively to perceived influence.

    Study three investigates the relations between task and relationship conflict, conflict behavior and the quality of agreements. We tested hypotheses bases on theories of team conflicts and conglomerate conflict behavior. We conclude that task and relationship conflict are both negatively related to quality of agreements, and that this is partly mediated by conflict behavior. In addition, the study shows that a) both types of conflict are positively related with competitive behavior, and negatively with cooperative behavior; and b) both types of behavior are positive related to quality of agreements.

    Study four takes a broader approach on the position of ERs in Europe. We elaborate perceptions of management on ERs, analyze differences between countries, and propose possible interventions to improve social dialogue.

    In our concluding chapter, we summarize our findings, and discuss theoretical and practical implications.

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