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Resumen de Hijos y composición familiar

Mª Desire Lo Castro

  • español

    ¿Hay un modelo de familia perfecto para crecer, o no hay diferencia entre los que viven hijo único y crecer en una familia de más niños? Esta es la pregunta que tratará de responder el proyecto de investigación iniciado personalmente.

    El tema de la investigación, que es la forma en que puede afectar a la composición de la familia en el desarrollo de la personalidad de los niños, se analiza cómo los niños de la muestra que asisten a la escuela primaria de Salemi, con sus respectivas familias. Los componentes de la muestra examinada son niños y niñas que pertenecen a un entorno socioeconómico y las familias heterogéneas de uno o más hijos.

    El objetivo de la tesis es hacer un análisis objetivo sobre el comportamiento, la autonomía personal y relacional de los niños de primaria, la comparación, el sistema educativo de las familias con un hijo y las familias con más hijos. Objetivo de la investigación de nivel se llevará a cabo en una evaluación de los matices de comportamiento de los niños que pertenecen a familias diferentes, para llevar a cabo la familia dinámica educativa; van a tratar de probar tales interacciones con los hermanos y hermanas desarrollar procesos educativos positivos en los niños para lograr las competencias y habilidades que conducen al desarrollo apreciable de la persona. En una primera fase del estudio se basa en fuentes teóricas para investigar qué aspectos han tenido los estudios realizados por otros autores. En la segunda fase se analizará la muestra de referencia con la administración de pruebas, cuyo objetivo es identificar las metodologías educativas y la dinámica familiar en su lugar. Por último, en una tercera fase a través del procesamiento de los datos recogidos, los identificaremos cuáles son, las mejores situaciones familiares que aseguren el desarrollo real de las habilidades blandas y pragmáticas, así como los efectos psicológicos que tiene en la persona familia e hijos.

  • English

    Is there an ideal family model in which to grow, otherwise is there any difference between those who live as only child and those who live growing up in a family with more children? This is the question to which the research I personally led seeks to answer.The topic of the research, therefore, focuses on how it can affect the family composition on the development of children's personality. The aim to be achieved with this work is: to prove whether being an only child is a limit or a resource, demonstrating whether growing along with a brother or sister, constitutes a strength or weakness in the development of social autonomy, interpersonal and communication skills. The research, took into consideration, on an objective level, an analysis of behavioral nuances of only children and children with siblings of 9 years old. In a first step, the study was based on theoretical sources to investigate which implications the surveys carried out by other authors have had. In the second step we went out with the empirical study of the sample, by giving a biographical data questionnaire that collected the important variable of family composition, in correlation subsequently with the findings from the second part of the questionnaire, consisting of the items of the AIR (Assessment of Interpersonal Relations) of Bruce Bracken (1993), which is divided into three sections regarding the relationship with parents, with peers and teachers. Finally, in a third step by processing the data collected, we identified the results and conclusions of the research, otherwise the best family situations that ensure the actual development of relational and pragmatic skills, as well as the implications of social-emotional adaptation in the interpersonal relationships produced by the condition of anonly child or a child with sibling on children. The results confirm that only children, tend not to be too talkative, and their lower scores were found, in fact, in the relationships with peers. It is very clear, from the results of the sample, that only children have a very close relationship with their parents, a special bond with whom they can talk about everything. With teachers, only children feel much more comfortable interacting with, respect to children belonging to a family with siblings for which it could be a little more difficult. By contrast, the results of children with siblings, shows us, on their part, a minor deep connection with their parents, associated on the one hand, to put up walls against adults, which means their parents, and on the other hand, this deficiency is linked to the competition, the jealousy that characterizes the close relationship, always with regard to the relationship with parents. The results powerfully confirm that the brotherhood encourages to socialize and to bear other people, giving to children with siblings better relationships with peers. Keywords: children, siblings, family, emotional training, self-esteem, narcissism, sociability, confidence, emotional well-being, identification, emotional support.

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