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Resumen de Los Comentarios de Nebrija a Persio. Edición y estudio

Milagros del Amo Lozano

  • español

    La Tesis consiste en una edición crítica de la Aelii Antonii Nebrissensis grammatici in Aulum Persium poetam satyricum interpretatio, publicada en Sevilla en 1503; dicha edición va acompañada de una traducción y un estudio. El trabajo, enmarcado en los Proyectos DGICYT PB 92-0969 y DGES PB 95-1018, pretende valorar la aportación de Nebrija a la Filología Clásica en el caso de su comentario a este Persio.

    El estudio aborda primero el texto de Persio de Nebrija en el contexto del Humanismo y en comparación con ediciones modernas, y se descubre que Nebrija, inserto en unas tendencias, ha tomado postura en los lugares polémicos. Se atiende luego a la Interpretatio: qué se trata en ella y cómo se introduce. Nebrija ha explicado todos los pasajes de Persio y, aun mostrando coincidencias con humanistas anteriores (Fontius, Badius, Plautius, Sc. Ferrarius) y en especial con Britannicus, ha sido el más breve, ha aunado el docere, delectare y movere, y �como es propio del gramático- se ha preocupado ante todo del sensus poetae y de aclarar el léxico.

    Como buen pedagogo, ha enseñado al poeta y lo que de él se desprende: unos valores morales que del estoicismo de las Sátiras se desprenden. El primer comentarista de Persio en España nos ha legado una obra que trasluce su condición de hispano. Reeditado muchas veces en su tiempo, original en muchas lecturas e interpretaciones, ha sido, en general, injustamente olvidado.

    Se añade la reproducción facsímil de un ejemplar de la edición hispalense de 1504 que se halla en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Murcia con la signatura SB-1786.

  • English

    This Thesis is a critical edition on Aelii Antonii Nebrissensis grammatici in Aulum Persium poetam satyricum interpretati, by Nebrija, which was published in 1503, in Seville. Our edition includes a translation and a detailed analysis of the topic.

    The main objective of this Thesis, which is included in the DGICYT PB 92-0969 and DGES PB 95-1018 projects, is to assess the contribution of Antonio de Nebrija to the Classic Philology with his commentary on Persio�s work.

    In the first part of the Thesis, the text of Persio by Nebrija is analysed in the context of Humanism and it is compared with other modern editions. Nebrija, whose commentaries are not very different from those of his predecessors, adopts a critical attitude in some polemic points.

    The second part of the Thesis consists on the analysis of the Interpretatio, so as to understand the author�s comments. Nebrija describes all difficult points in Persio�s Satires, and even though he agrees with previous humanists (Fontius, Badius, Plautius, Sc. Ferrarius) and especially with Britannicus, his description is the shortest. In his work, Nebrija unites the concepts docere, delectare and movere (to teach, to delight and to move), and as is particular to the author, he attributes great importance to the sensus poetae and to the significance drawn from the use of vocabulary.

    Nebrija is an excellent educationalist who has been able to teach the moral values of the Satires� stoicism. He is the first Spanish intellectual that has commented on Persio�s poems, and he has been able to pass on a work in which many Hispanic details are reflected. Even though Interpretatio was republished in its period, and was creative in some readings and interpretations, it has been unfairly underestimated.

    The Thesis includes a facsimile edition of a copy of the Hispalis edition of 1504, which can be found in the library of the Universidad de Murcia (code SB-1786).

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