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Resumen de Capital social y sociedad civil en una comunidad rural griega durante la crisis (noviembre 2009-junio 2015)

Ioanna Gerasopoulou

  • The concept of social capital is very ambivalent and accepts various definitions. Pierre Bourdieu with a vision more critical in 1985 defines it as ` the permanent reds and their belonging of actual or potential recourses¿. The place of the investigation is a village with 400 habitants situated on the mount Olympus and affected by the population drift . In December of 2009 a little bit after the beginning of our investigation, Greece came on the verge of a financial collapse. The concepts of crisis and development are in a central position in our investigation. We analyzed the actions for the local development, the discourse of the citizens about local development, the difficulties of life in the village and its perspectives for the future. On the second phase we occupied more with the crisis and the discourse of the citizens around this subject and around the future perspectives of the village.

    We tried to study the community of Karagatsi from an integral point of view. We analyzed the terms of social capital and civil society and the relationship between them and the term of development. In the intersubjectivity of liberal capitalism the situation of crisis is presented from the media as no accessible for an auto-reflection and obtains the objectivity of the inexplicable and the possibility of a natural catastrophe (Habermas, 1973). Particularly we used the participant observation with formal or informal interviews, structured and semi-structured. The sampling was taken randomly and we tried to include men and women of various age groups and categories so as to make the sample as representative as possible.

    At the first chapter it is described the concept of rural development. In the second chapter, it is presented the analysis of the concepts of social capital and civil society and their relationship between them and development. In the next chapter we have searched an articulation between the problematic of rural development and social capital. The fortress of the last one consists in a favorable factor for the development and many studies show it. In the next chapter there is the description of some characteristics of the traditional Greek culture, marked by the clientelism and a strong individualism. The fifth chapter includes the revision of the classic social theories about motivation and attribution. In the sixth chapter we occupy with the design of our investigation, the objects of our study and the questions we want to answer. The seventh chapter is dedicated to the field work and the last chapter refers to the results of our study.

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