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Economia del coneixement i noves polítiques urbanes. Participació, conflictes i aprenentatges en el cas del 22@bcn

  • Autores: Marc Martí Costa
  • Directores de la Tesis: Abel Albet i Mas (dir. tes.), Ricard Gomà Carmona (codir. tes.)
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ( España ) en 2010
  • Idioma: catalán
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Joan Subirats i Humet (presid.), Fernando Díaz Orueta (secret.), Ismael Blanco i Fillola (voc.)
  • Materias:
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: TESEO
  • Dialnet Métricas: 1 Cita
  • Resumen
    • This thesis presented as a compendium will investigate new urban policies developed in Barcelona in relation to the 22@bcn plan, the relationship between this plan and urban movements, and its social- spatial consequences in Poblenou, the neighborhood where the project is being undertaken. The principal questions guiding the research are the following:

      * Can we speak of an entrepreneurial urbanism and of new urban policies within the context of Barcelona? What differences and commonalities do these policies, in the case of Barcelona, have with the characteristics described in related scholarship? * What consequences do these policies have on aspects not directly related to economic activity, including collective social facilities, housing, structural cultural heritage, and artistic activity which are present in Poblenou? * How can we characterize contemporary urban movements? And to what extent are urban movements able to respond to entre- preneurial urbanism and generate social innovation within the context of the 22@bcn project? All of the articles share a common territory (the city of Barcelona) a common subject of study (the 22@bcn project) and a shared interest in the modifications introduced by urban social movements during the project's implementation process. The choice of studying the politics of 22@ was made both for its similarities and differences between the experiences of other cities which have also promoted economic districts focused on new technologies. Regarding the differences, local particularities include: a) the economic base already existing in the city, along with its competitive situation with other cities, especially Madrid; b) the orientation of the municipal government and the local planning culture; and c) the historical and sociopolitical characteris- tics of the environment where the plan occurred, namely Poblenou. This thesis specifically explores the interrelation between 22@bcn as a model for new urban economic policy and how it meshes with local particularities.

      In the conclusion, similarities and differences between what is known as entrepreneurial urbanism and the politics of 22@bcn are demon- strated. Then, the impacts of one of the urban actors that intervened in the implementation process, urban movements, are considered. Im- pacts in the following areas are examined: urbanism, economic activ- ity, cultural heritage, housing, and urban facilities. Finally, the lessons learned and solutions adopted which lead to possible responses to the principal criticisms of entrepreneurial urbanism are examined. These criticisms include the following: the process of gentrification, a trend towards social and urban fragmentation, the dualization of the job market, and the democratic deficit in the implementation of this type of policy. However, it also highlights the limitations of urban move- ments' ability to overcome a territorial development based on innova- tion geared towards improving business competitiveness and instead promote a model of urban regeneration where innovation strives to satisfy human needs and attain social inclusion.

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