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Resumen de Partits i ciutadania en la crisi del liberalisme oligàrquic. Projectes, actituds i comportaments polítics a les comarques de Castelló (1913-1923)

Gerard Llansola Gil

  • català

    En la tesi s'estudia l'evolució política de les comarques de Castelló durant l'etapa final del règim restauracionista. En el context de la crisi ideològica i institucional del liberalisme, que marca la transició de l'Europa del segle XIX al XX i que es veu agreujada a partir dels trastorns ocasionats per la Primera Guerra Mundial, el treball pretén enriquir la visió d'aquest període des de la perspectiva de la historia local i prenent com a eix dues qüestions principals: aquella que es pregunta per les causes de la caiguda del sistema de la Restauració i la que sondeja els motius pels quals aquella fallida institucional va acabar desembocant en un règim dictatorial. La tesi aborda la dinàmica descrita per les diverses forces polítiques, el desenvolupament de la política de masses, la pervivència dels instruments de la vella política i les actituds i comportaments polítics de la ciutadania. The thesis examines political developments in the province of Castellón in the final stage of restorationist regime. In the context of the ideological and institutional crisis of liberalism, which marks the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century Europe and that is compounded from disorders caused by the First World War, the work aims to enrich the vision of this period from the perspective of local history and taking as core two main issues: one that asks for the causes of estoration crash and it explores the reasons why institutional failure that ultimately resulted in a dictatorial regime. The thesis deals with the dynamics described by various political forces, the development of mass politics, sticking with the old instruments of political attitudes and political behavior of citizens.

  • English

    The thesis examines political developments in the province of Castellón in the final stage of restorationist regime. In the context of the ideological and institutional crisis of liberalism, which marks the transition from the nineteenth to the twentieth century Europe and that is compounded from disorders caused by the First World War, the work aims to enrich the vision of this period from the perspective of local history and taking as core two main issues: one that asks for the causes of estoration crash and it explores the reasons why institutional failure that ultimately resulted in a dictatorial regime. The thesis deals with the dynamics described by various political forces, the development of mass politics, sticking with the old instruments of political attitudes and political behavior of citizens.

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