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Resumen de Dancing conflicts, unfolding peaces: Dance as method to elicit conflict transformation

Paula Ditzel Facci

  • español

    La presente tesis explora la danza como método para elicitar la transformación de conflictos y desdoblar paces en nivel intrapersonal. Se investiga cómo propiciar un contexto en el cual se haga significativa la experiencia del movimiento corporal consciente en el momento presente, creando condiciones auspiciosas para elicitar conflictos y desdoblar paces. En busca de elementos que concierten tal método, esta pesquisa pone en diálogo interpretaciones de paces con expresiones de danza. Asimismo, se elabora sobre la filosofía de las paces transracionales y sobre el potencial de la danza para la paz, y se sugiere distorsionar tendencias nocivas con equilibrio y consciencia. Se explora también la perspectiva elicitiva de transformación de conflictos y los métodos para facilitarla. Finalmente, se presenta un abordaje teórico y práctico de estos elementos por medio del movimiento corporal consciente, que informa el potencial y las limitaciones de la danza como método elicitivo de transformación de conflictos.

  • English

    This research explores the potential of dance as a method to elicit conflict transformation and unfold peaces at the intrapersonal level. It is motivated by the question on how to tap the energies of conflict in a way that inspires new alternatives of transformation and new dynamics of relationships, unfolding peaces in the process. Following the transrational perspective, peace here is understood as presence, as a way of being in the world, and conflict as a natural feature of human relationships. This thesis investigates how to provide a frame which renders the embodied here and now moving experience meaningful, creating auspicious conditions for eliciting conflict transformation and unfolding peaces. Exploring elements that contribute to this process, this investigation delves into interpretations of peaces, according to Dietrich’s theory of the five families, and establishes a dialogue between them and expressions of dance corresponding to these cultures and historical periods. Nietzsche’s interplay of Dionysian and Apollonian forces guides this dialogue.

    Furthermore, this thesis discusses the transrational peace philosophy and an approach to dance that acknowledges the potential of dance expressions for peace, and suggests twisting harmful tendencies with balance and awareness. It then explores the elicitive approach to conflict transformation and methods to facilitate it, with focus on the intrapersonal level. Drawing from key elements identified in the dance expressions and in the transformative methods, this text presents a theoretical and practical approach to those elements through embodied movement, which informs the potentials and limitations of dance as a method to elicit conflict transformation.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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