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Normas de estilo de publicación en Pharmacy Practice (Granada)

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

Before submitting your article, please see Pharmacy Practice bibliometric statistics, and compare your manuscript with the average article we publish. You may know more about Pharmacy Practice peer-review process.
Papers must be submitted in English. After being accepted, they can also be submitted in authors' mother tongue.
Follow strictly the ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication: Ethical Considerations; Publishing and Editorial Issues; Manuscript Preparation and Submission
Submission process should start by reviewing the Submission Checklist, where specific instructions are provided (only electronic submissions are accepted). In addition, all authors must sign the Authorship and accountability form. Both forms should be sent by fax or scaned by email.

Highly considered:
Keywords based on NLM Medical Subject Headings are preffered.
Tables must appear at the end of the text, formated in simple grid form.
Figures are prefered pasted as Microsoft Objects. Colour use (avoid if possible) should take into account that papers can be printed in black&white.
Up to three peer-reviewers should be suggested by corresponding author (provide full contact details of the referees)
For non-native English authors, a scientific editing service could be important. See below a list of some of these scientific editing providers. Authors using this service should include a sentence in the acknowledge section.
American Journal Experts (10% discount thorugh this link)
BioScience Writers, LLC
Blue Pencil Science
English Manager Science Editing
SM Editors and Reviewers
Write Science Right
Some other recommendations for all the manuscripts:
Avoid the use of abbreviations. Use only those commonly accepted. Do not create new abbreviations.
Avoid the use of non common Roman characters. Do not use Greek letters into the text (they can be used in equations). Do not use special characters like ± ½ ¼ or arrows
Present standard deviations as (SD=2.34), and confidence intervals as [95%CI 2.36:4.23]
For currency abbreviations, use the ISO 4217 codes

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