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Normas de estilo de publicación en D-Lib Magazine

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

D-Lib Magazine is a monthly magazine about innovation and research in digital libraries. It appeals to a broad technical and professional audience. The overall objective of D-Lib Magazine is to help digital libraries be a broad interdisciplinary field, and not a set of specialties that know little of each other. We invite all our readers to contribute to this shared understanding.
1. Content
D-Lib Magazine publishes full articles, brief notices, book-reviews, project briefings, opinions, letters, clippings, and pointers of broad interest about innovation and research in digital libraries. Articles should:
be of interest to a broad community (specialist literature should be published where specialists will see it), and
reflect work that has been completed, rather than just beginning.
Articles should not have been published previously in another magazine or journal, nor been available in a final version on a publicly available web site.
More information about the editorial goals of D-Lib Magazine can be found in the June, 1999 editorial, "What's in D-Lib Magazine?" .
2. Matters of style
We prefer D-Lib Magazine articles that are 1500-3000 words in length and usually will not accept articles over 5,000 words in length. They should be in English or accompanied by an English translation. "In Brief" items should be a maximum length of 500 words. We have the following additional preferences:
Text should be in Microsoft Word (we will do the conversion to HTML for you). We can also work from an HTML file.
Images may be in gif or jpeg formats. Images can be handled several ways -- as in-lines or as linked files. They normally should be no more than 500 pixels in width.
Hyperlinks to external sources are encouraged, but URLs should be displayed within the References section at the end of the file rather than throughout the text.
References may be in any consistent format (e.g., MLA, Chicago, etc.).
We will add our standard header, closing, DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and formatting.
Note that the above are guidelines; imagination in content and presentation is encouraged!
3. Mechanics of submission
While we often receive completed manuscripts, we would prefer that you contact the editors at before you finish writing so that we can determine whether the topic, style, and approach is appropriate for D-Lib Magazine.
We accept only electronic submissions.
Articles can be sent to as email attachments.
Alternatively, you may put your file on a server from which we can transfer it.
Each author will be asked to submit a brief (50 - 100 word) biographical sketch along with his or her manuscript. If possible, the author is also asked to submit a photograph of himself or herself in jpg or gif formats. In the case of articles by multiple authors, the lead author may decide whether the biographical sketch will be for the team or if biographical sketches for each author will be submitted. Please contact the editors for details upon acceptance of your article.
4. Editorial Process
Upon acceptance, articles are put on the magazine's production schedule for a month that is mutually acceptable to the authors and editors.
D-Lib Magazine editors will read your submission and return it with suggested changes or comments.
After the authors and editors have agreed on a final draft, the revised text will be formatted in HTML by D-Lib Magazine staff.
Several days before the release date, the authors are sent a private URL at which they can review the final editorial and formatting changes.
Authors will have a specified length of time to request final corrections or minor changes prior to the release of the magazine to the public
Once the issue has been released, only vital corrections or changes will be made to the file. These changes will be noted and dated at the end of the file.
5. Rights
All rights reside with the author(s). We will identify the author(s) as the copyright holder(s) unless specifically directed otherwise. D-Lib Magazine requires non-exclusive permission to disseminate and make the material available. Author(s) are responsible for clearing any rights prior to submitting materials to us.
6. Final Note
The above guidelines are suggestions only, and they are open for further dialogue. The most important thing is to write the article you want to write in the way that you want it to appear!

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