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Normas de estilo de publicación en Investigación Operacional

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

The Journal publishes orignal papers on : Optimization Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Numerical Methods, Mathematlcal Economics, Declslon Theory, Games Theory as well as interesting applicatíons and specialized sofware. An equilibrium between the difrerent subjects and between theory and applications is expected within each volume. Referative papers, related with problems which are of interest for the potential readers of this publlcation, information on conferences and other scientific activities an new books will be reviewed.
The authors should send three copies of their contribution to the Editor in Chief or to one of the Associate Editors.
Informations and books should be send to the Editor in Chief or to the Secretary. An Abstract and a Resumen of no more than 100 words and from 3 to 5 key words should accompany the paper. Occasionaly the journal will assume the translation service of the abstract/resumen, the introduction of the Key Words and the AMS classification. Investigation Operacional publishes papers in english or spanish.
The papers will be refereed by twomembers of the referee�s staff approved by the Editoria Board. The final decision will be communicated by the secretary.
The publication of accepted papers with a disquette support in some Microsoft Words will be priorized because of edition problems. The graphics and draws should be printed or drawn granting that an adequate photocopy for the final print of them.

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