Con el objetivo de detectar la presencia de Burnout en enfermeras del INCan relacionado con variables típicas, se seleccionó una muestra representativa de 172 enfermeras, contestaron el 89%. Se aplicaron el Maslach Burnout Inventory (español) y una Encuesta Individual. Aproximadamente 60% presentan sintomatología moderada y alta. El síndrome se verificó en el 8%. Las variables sociodemográficas significativas fueron la edad con la Falta de Realización Personal (FRP) (X2=16.8 p<0.002) y la presencia de hijos con Agotamiento Emocional (AE) (X2=9.50 p<0.008). Las laborales fueron el puesto con AE (X2=9.82 p<0.04) y el área de trabajo con Despersonalización (DP) (X2=18.56 p<0.005); de las institucionales, instalaciones inadecuadas con DP (X2=6.18 p<0.04). Exigencias correlacionaron con AE, sobrecarga (X2=14.26 p<0.0008) y jornada extensa (X2=7.47 p<0.02) entre otras. Como conclusión mostraron mayor riesgo las enfermeras generales y las de consulta externa, a considerarse como prioritarias para la intervención y prevención del trastorno.
To detect burnout syndrome (BO) in a sample of nurses employed at the National Cancer Institute (INCan), and its association with variables identified in the literature. A random sample of 172 persons was obtained; overall response rate was 89%. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used to determine the presence of symptoms of BO, together with an individual questionnaire for collection of the remaining variables. Approximately 60% of respondents reported moderate and high levels of symptoms; the BO syndrome was observed in only 8%. Sociodemographic variables significantly associated with BO were age (X2=16.8 p<0.002) and having children (X2=9.50 p<0.0008). Job variables associated with BO were working positions (X2=9.82 p<0.04) and work area (X2=18.56 p<0.005). Organizational variables significantly associated with BO were working in an inadequate environment (X2=6.18 p<0.04). Other work-related variables were overload (X2=14.26 p<0.0008) and long work days (X2=7.47 p<0.02). General nurses and outpatient clinic personnel seem to be at-risk groups, which should be considered, especially when institutional interventions and/or prevention programs are being considered.
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