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Religion and the secular state: national reports

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Información General


  • This volume contains reports on the topic Religion and the Secular State from 58 reporters representing 43 countries. The reports, originally prepared for the 18th World Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, were published in Interim form in 2010 by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies of the Brigham Young University Law School for review at and subsequent to the Congress. This volume, with updated and in some cases newly translated Reports, was prepared to coincide with the 19th Congress in Vienna in July 2014.

    This volume is a feast, unique in the field of law and Religion in its scope and variety, even as it treats a single topic. The reporters are outstanding scholars with particular expertise in and understanding of the relation of govemment and religion in their respective countries. The Selected Bibliography is in itself a valuable resource for scholars, legal practitioners, and govemment and religious leaders.

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