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Resumen de José Antonio Primo de Rivera: the reality and myth of a Spanish fascist leader

Joan Maria Thomàs i Andreu, John Bates (trad.)

  • There are few individuals in modern Spanish history that have been as thoroughly mythologized as José Antonio Primo de Rivera, a leading figure in the Spanish Civil War who was executed by the Republicans in 1936 and celebrated as a martyr following the victory of the Falangists. In this long-awaited translation, Joan Maria Thomàs provides a measured, exhaustively researched study of Primo de Rivera’s personality, beliefs, and political activity. His biography shows us a man dedicated to the creation of a fascist political regime that he aspired to one day lead, while at the same carefully distinguishing his aims from those of the Falangists and the Franco Regime.



    Chapter 1: José Antonio Primo de Rivera and his people.

    Chapter 2: The Rise of the Firstborn: from defending his father's memory to molding a second Primo de Rivera as the "Savior of Spain".

    Chapter 3: Saving Spain.

    Chapter 4: José Antonio's fascist ideology.

    Chapter 5: the most important myth and hero worship in Franco's Spain, second only to Franco himself.

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