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The Dynamics of Language Use: functional and contrastive perspectives

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  • galego

    Recolle unha selección de ponencias presentadas na "3rd International Contrastive Linguistics Conference" celebrada en Santiago de Compostela, entre os días 23 e 26 de setembro de 2003.

  • English

    This book brings together a collection of articles characterized by two main themes: the contrastive study of parallel phenomena in two or more languages, and an essentially functional approach in which language is regarded, first and foremost, as a rich and complex communication system, inextricably embedded in sociocultural and psychological contexts of use. The majority of the studies reported is empirical in nature, many making use of corpora or other textual materials in the language(s) under investigation. The book begins with an introductory section in which the editors provide surveys of the state of the art in both functional and contrastive linguistics. The other five sections of the volume are devoted to (i) a cognitive perspective on form and function, (ii) information structure, (iii) collocations and formulaic language, (iv) language learning, and (v) discourse and culture.

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