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Lecciones sobre el Acto Administrativo y sobre el Procedimiento Administrativo

Imagen de portada del libro Lecciones sobre el Acto Administrativo y sobre el Procedimiento Administrativo

Información General


  • español

    La teoría general del acto administrativo y del procedimiento constituye una materia nuclear del Derecho Administrativo tanto en España como en los países de nuestro entorno jurídico. Son cientos los trabajos académicos generales y específicos sobre esta cuestión, a los que ahora se unen estas Lecciones sobre el acto administrativo y sobre el procedimiento administrativo. Esta modesta obra persigue, en todo caso, un objetivo muy delimitado como es la introducción a los estudiantes de las distintas ramas jurídicas de la Universidad de Extremadura, especialmente, en esta temática, sin olvidar, naturalmente aquellas otras personas procedentes de otras instituciones académicas o de las diversas profesiones jurídicas que necesiten un vademécum simple para acercarse al procedimiento administrativo y a su resultado ordinario: el acto.

  • English

    These lessons begin with the presentation of the guiding principle that should govern the actions of public administrations, the principle of legality, which requires the full submission of administrative activity to the law. After specifying the legal forms that the activity of the Administration can take, Lesson Two goes into detail on the administrative act: its concept, characteristic notes, elements and classes. The following lessons are dedicated to the administrative procedure as a legally foreseen channel to dictate an administrative act: to the general questions that inform it (Third lesson); to its structure or phases in which it is developed (Fourth lesson); and to the specialties of the sanctioning procedure (Lesson Five) and the procedure of patrimonial responsibility of the administration (Lesson Six), procedures that have ceased to be special and have been integrated into the Law of Common Administrative Procedure (Law 39/2015, of October 1 - although the procedural principles of the sanctioning power and patrimonial responsibility of the public administrations are regulated in Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal System of the Public Sector). Lesson seven focuses on the privilege of administrative self-guardianship and on the effectiveness of administrative acts, whose presumption of validity and immediate enforceability may be conditioned by the occurrence of legal irregularities, as set out in Lesson eight, regarding the invalidity of the administrative act, and in Lesson nine, explaining the general principles and means of enforcement (the administrative privilege of executive self-guardianship). The last two Lessons, the tenth and the eleventh, are devoted to the review of acts in administrative proceedings: their review ex officio and the existing administrative appeals (appeal, option of reinstatement and extraordinary review).

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