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Didáctica general: Planificación y práctica en la enseñanza primaria

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Información General


  • español

    Actualmente hay un cierto consenso en considerar la Didáctica general como una disciplina científico-pedagógica que estudia las metas y los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, particularmente en lo que se refiere al diseño y desarrollo curricular y a la práctica educativa. A diferencia de la Psicología de la instrucción, la Didáctica general estudia los contenidos y los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en un marco curricular. A diferencia de las didácticas, estudia aspectos del diseño curricular y la práctica educativa que son en gran parte transversales a las diferentes áreas del currículo. La primera parte del texto se centra en diseño y desarrollo del currículo de la Educación Primaria. La segunda parte del libro se centra más específicamente en los métodos y estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo del currículo. La tercera parte del libro aborda otra dimensión didáctica, íntimamente ligada al desarrollo del currículo pero a la que tradicionalmente se ha reservado un espacio menor en este tipo de manuales: la práctica curricular y educativa del aula. El manual pretende abordar estos tres ejes fundamentales de la disciplina a la que tradicionalmente se ha reservado un espacio menor en este tipo de manuales: disciplina conjugando un enfoque a la vez conceptual y práctico.

  • English

    Currently there is a certain consensus in considering general Didactics as a scientific-pedagogical discipline that studies the goals and processes of teaching and learning, particularly in regard to curriculum design and development and educational practice. Unlike the Psychology of the instruction, the General Didactics studies the contents and the teaching-learning processes in a curricular frame. Unlike didactics, it studies aspects of curricular design and educational practice that are largely transversal to the different areas of the curriculum. The bibliography coincides mainly in emphasizing three dimensions of the Didactics, closely linked, that also make up the structure of this manual: the curriculum, the teaching methods and the educational practice. This book is framed in the school context and, more specifically, in Primary Education. The first part of the text focuses on the design and development of the Primary Education curriculum. The second part focuses more specifically on didactic methods and strategies for developing the curriculum. The third part of the book addresses another didactic dimension, closely linked to the development of the curriculum, but to which traditionally a smaller space has been reserved in this type of manuals: the "curricular practice" and the "educational classroom". The manual aims to address these three fundamental axes of the discipline by combining a conceptual and practical approach, which is reflected in the internal structure of each of the chapters. On the one hand, it has sought to offer a simple and synthetic material, which includes the main concepts of each theme and the original classical sources. On the other hand, we have tried to exemplify various design strategies and curricular development with specific contents of Primary Education. Although the text is mainly focused on this educational stage, most of its sections are also applicable to Secondary Education.

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