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Resumen de Writing and presenting a dissertation on linguistics, applied linguistics and culture studies for undergraduates and graduates in Spain

María Luisa Pérez Cañado (ed. lit.), Barry Pennock-Speck (ed. lit.)

  • español

    Este volumen ofrece una guía para estudiantes, a través de las fases claves que deberían seguir a la concepción, estructuración, escritura y presentación de un trabajo de fin de grado, máster o tesis doctoral. Este manual está escrito con un lenguaje sencillo y un enfoque eminentemente práctico

  • English

    This book has been designed to guide students through the main phases in writing and presenting an undergraduate, MA or PhD dissertation. These include choosing a topic, carrying out the review of literature, gathering and analyzing data, writing up the dissertation, and, finally, preparing and delivering a presentation within the context of a viva. This eminently practical manual has been written in a reader-friendly style. Theoretical explanations are complemented by numerous examples for analysis and illustration as well as activities to apply, practise, and review the notions introduced in each chapter.

  • català

    Aquest volum ofereix una guia per a estudiants, a través de les fases claus que haurien de seguir a la concepció, estructuració, escriptura i presentació d'un treball de finalització de grau, màster o tesi doctoral. Aquest manual està escrit amb un llenguatge senzill i un enfocament eminentment pràctic.

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