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Resumen de Teatros y vida teatral en el Siglo de Oro

John E. Varey (coord.), Luciano García Lorenzo (coord.)

  • Tamesis Books en colaboración con el Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos, 1991 - 356 páginas Original studies of theatrical life in Spain in the 17th century.This volume contains papers read at the Zamora conference, 24-26 April 1990, entirely based on hitherto unpublished documentation. The topics include studies of corrales de comedias, autos sacramentales, festivities and popular theatre, audiences and texts. The authors are: STEFANO ARATA, PIEDAD BOLANOS, CATALINA BUEZO, JOSE LUIS CANET, LUIS CORONAS TEJADA, CHARLES DAVIS, JOSE MARIA DIEZ BORQUE, ELISA DOMINGUEZ DE PAZ, FRANCISCO DOMINGUEZ MATITO, LUIS ESTEPA, ANGEL M. GARCIA GOMEZ, NICOLAS MINAMBRES SANCHEZ, DOLORES NOGUERA GUIRAO, MARIA TERESA PASCUAL BONIS, ALAN K.G. PATERSON, MERCEDES DE LOS REYES, MARIA JOSE DEL RIO, JOSE ROMERA CASTILLO, J.M. RUANO DE LA HAZA, JUAN SANZ BALLESTEROS and MIGUEL ANGEL COSO MARIN, J.E. VAREY, TERESA ZAPATA FERNANDEZ DE LA HOZ.

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