Periodo de publicación recogido
Europeanization of Civil Procedures: In Search of a Coherent Approach
Magdalena Tulibacka
Common market law review, ISSN 0165-0750, Vol. 46, Nº 5, 2009, págs. 1527-1565
Collective consumer ADR in the European Union
Magdalena Tulibacka
Collective redress in Europe: why and how? / Eva Lein (ed. lit.), Duncan Fairgrieve (ed. lit.), Marta Otero Crespo (ed. lit.), Vincent Smith (ed. lit.), 2015, ISBN 978-1-905221-56-1, págs. 399-421
The Oxford study on costs and funding of civil litigation
Christopher Hodges, Stefan Vogenauer, Magdalena Tulibacka
The costs and funding of civil litigation: a comparative perspective / Christopher Hodges (ed. lit.), Stefan Vogenauer (ed. lit.), Magdalena Tulibacka (ed. lit.), 2010, ISBN 978-1-84946-102-3, págs. 3-185
Magdalena Tulibacka
The costs and funding of civil litigation: a comparative perspective / Christopher Hodges (ed. lit.), Stefan Vogenauer (ed. lit.), Magdalena Tulibacka (ed. lit.), 2010, ISBN 978-1-84946-102-3, págs. 453-466
The costs and funding of civil litigation: a comparative perspective
Christopher Hodges (ed. lit.), Stefan Vogenauer (ed. lit.), Magdalena Tulibacka (ed. lit.)
Hart Publishing, 2010. ISBN 978-1-84946-102-3
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