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Some results concerning ideal and classical uniform integrability and mean convergence
Nour Al Hayek, Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrew Rosalsky, Mehmet Ünver, Andrei Volodin
Collectanea mathematica, ISSN 0010-0757, Vol. 74, Fasc. 1, 2023, págs. 1-25
Correction to: On the concept of B-statistical uniform integrability of weighted sums of random variables and the law of large numbers with mean convergence in the statistical sense
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrew Rosalsky, Mehmet Ünver, Andrei Volodin
Test: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, ISSN-e 1863-8260, ISSN 1133-0686, Vol. 30, Nº. 4, 2021, págs. 1076-1077
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrew Rosalsky, Mehmet Ünver, Andrei Volodin
Test: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, ISSN-e 1863-8260, ISSN 1133-0686, Vol. 30, Nº. 1, 2021, págs. 83-102
The cg-average tree value for games on cycle-free fuzzy communication structures
J.R. Fernández, I. Gallego, Andrés Jiménez Losada, Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Top, ISSN-e 1863-8279, ISSN 1134-5764, Vol. 27, Nº. 3, 2019, págs. 456-478
Complete convergence for weighted sums of arrays of banach-space-valued random elements
De Hua Qiu, Tien-Chung Hub, Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Lithuanian mathematical journal, ISSN 0363-1672, Vol. 52, Nº. 3, 2012, págs. 316-325
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera, Andrew Rosalsky, Andrei Volodin
Test: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, ISSN-e 1863-8260, ISSN 1133-0686, Vol. 21, Nº. 2, 2012, págs. 369-385
Asymptotic probability for the bootstrapped means deviations from the sample mean
Andrei Volodin, Tien-Chung Hu, Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Statistics & probability letters, ISSN 0167-7152, Vol. 74, Nº. 2, 2005, págs. 178-186
Again on the weak law in martingale type p Banach spaces
A. I. Volodin, D. Hun Hong, S. Hak Sung, Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Extracta mathematicae, ISSN-e 0213-8743, Vol. 14, Nº 1, 1999, págs. 45-50
Convergence of weighted sums of random variables and uniform integrability concerning the weights
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Collectanea mathematica, ISSN 0010-0757, Vol. 45, Fasc. 2, 1994, págs. 121-132
Uniform integrability and convergence in the pth-mean of randomly weighted sums
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Extracta mathematicae, ISSN-e 0213-8743, Vol. 4, Nº 2, 1989, págs. 84-86
Sobre la convergencia de sumas de elementos aleatorios en espacios de Banach
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
XV Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Matemática: Universidade de Évora. 3 a 7 de Septembro de 1990, Vol. 4, 1991 (Probabilidade, estatística e investigaçao operacional), págs. 33-38
Convergencia de dobles sucesiones de variables aleatorias
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Actas de las IX Jornadas hispano-lusas de matemáticas: Salamanca. 12-16 abril 1982, Vol. 2, 1982, ISBN 84-7481-230-5, págs. 695-698
Manuel Hilario Ordóñez Cabrera
Tesis doctoral dirigida por Rafael Infante Macías (dir. tes.). Universidad de Sevilla (1981).
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