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Resumen de Prompt lawyer: a challenge in the face of the integration of artificial intelligence and law

Rafael Romero Carazas

  • Introduction: The implication of artificial intelligence in the framework of the exercise of law is framed in new forms or conceptual areas of its own professional actions.

    Objective: to characterize the research published in Scopus regarding Prompt lawyer Method: a bibliometric study was carried out. 41 documents located in the Scopus database referring to the research topic were studied as a universe, located through a search strategy. Bibliometric indicators were analyzed. Descriptive statistics were applied.

    Results: The year 2020 stood out with the highest number of investigations (5 articles for 12,19 %). Original articles predominated with 26 investigations equivalent to 63,41 %. Research related to the social sciences stood out (26 works; 48 %). Among the institutions with the greatest scientific contribution, the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), McGuireWoods LLP (United States) and Stevens and Lee Health Law Department (United States) stood out with two investigations respectively (4,87 %). The articles from the United States stood out with 17 investigations equivalent to 41,46 %.

    Conclusions: the use and use of Prompt lawyer shows constant and gradual growth, based on research with results. At the same time, it diversifies into different thematic areas, with representation from the main centers and countries with the greatest research trends.

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