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Resumen de Discriminações Condicionais com Prompts e Comportamentos Emergentes em Pessoas com TEA

Álvaro Júnior Melo e Silva, Gerson Yukio Tomanari

  • português

    O uso de dicas (prompts) tem se mostrado eficaz para estabelecer relações condicionais arbitrárias. No entanto, ainda se faz necessário demonstrar de forma mais abrangente o controle que os prompts exercem na aquisição da discriminação. O presente estudo investigou o estabelecimento de discriminações condicionais com prompts facilitadores do controle discriminativo, simples ou condicional, bem como a emergência de repertórios verbais. Os estímulos utilizados foram imagens de pintores e seus nomes, bem como de suas pinturas e seus nomes, estímulos compostos, em um procedimento de escolha de acordo com o modelo. Os prompts foram as cores que emolduravam as imagens. Duas crianças e dois adolescentes com autismo participaram do estudo. Os resultados timidamente sugerem maior efeito dos prompts quando favoreceram o controle discriminativo simples. A maioria dos participantes demonstrou que as molduras exerceram maior controle sobre as respostas condicionais do que as pinturas e as fotos dos artistas. No entanto, em algum grau, os participantes aprenderam a relacionar as pinturas aos seus pintores. Além disso, os participantes passaram a mencionar o nome dos pintores e de suas obras quando confrontados com as respectivas imagens, e a selecionar estas diante dos seus nomes, mesmo que não tivessem sido diretamente treinados para fazê-lo

  • English

    It is of great value to identify conditions that promote the emergence of new repertoires from the training of conditional discriminations, especially in populations with atypical development. The use of prompts has proven to be an effective tool for establishing conditional relations between arbitrary stimuli. However, it is necessary to demonstrate more comprehensively the control they exercise, whether simple or conditional. Furthermore, the training of conditional discriminations with sample and/or comparison stimuli composed of auditory and visual elements makes it possible for visual-visual, auditory-visual and auditory-auditory relations to emerge. The present study aimed to investigate the establishment of conditional discriminations through prompts that facilitate simple and conditional discrimination control, both simple and conditional, as well as the possible emergence of verbal repertoires. Four children/adolescents with autism spectrum disorder participated in the study. The stimuli used were images of painters and their names, as well as their paintings and names, in a choice procedure according to the sample. The prompts were the colors that framed the images. A Pre/Post-test design was used, with control and balance of the order of participants' exposure to the types of discriminative control, as well as the sets of stimuli (Brazilian artists and international artists) to evaluate the acquisition of arbitrary conditional relations and the emergence of verbal relations (tact and listener). Participants were first exposed to identity training with the colors that served as a frame for the visual experimental stimuli. They were then subjected to tests of visual-visual relations (conditional discriminations), visual-auditory (tact) and auditory-visual (listener). Next, they underwent training in arbitrary conditional relations with compound stimuli (image of the artist and his name/image of the artist's work and the name of the work). After exposure to training, participants underwent tact and listening post-tests. The results suggest that, even initially, the prompts had a greater effect when they favored simple discriminative control compared to conditional control. Among the participants, most, although not all, demonstrated that the colors of the frames exerted greater control over conditional responses than the paintings and photographs of their respective artists. However, it was evident that, to some degree, participants learned to relate the paintings to their respective painters. Furthermore, the fact that images of artists and their works were accompanied by their names during training led to the emergence of new repertoires: participants began to mention the names of painters and their works when confronted with their respective images (tact), just as they began to point to images of artists and their works when faced with the names of artists or their works (listener), even if they had not been directly trained to do so

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