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Resumen de Ingolfiellids (Crustacea, Peracarida, Ingolfiellidea) from the Intra-Americas Sea with the description of a new deep-sea species of Ingolfiella from the southern Gulf of Mexico

Manuel Ortiz, Ignacio Winfield, Sergio Cházaro Olvera

  • The order Ingolfiellida (Crustacea, Peracarida) represents a small group of peracarid crustaceans, usually less than 3 mm long and comprising 53 species in several ecosystems worldwide. Previously, eight ingolfiellid species had been documented from the Intra-Americans Sea: one from the Gulf of Mexico and eastern Florida and seven from the Caribbean Sea, including the Bahamas. A new deep-sea species of Ingolfiella is described based on material collected from bathyal soft bottoms (2650 m depth) offshore Veracruz State, southern Gulf of Mexico. The new species can be differentiated as follows: accessory flagellum 2-articulate; antenna 2 flagellum 4-articulate; pereopods 5-6 with long curved seta on dactylus; rami of uropod 1 subequal in length; uropod 3 ramus longer than peduncle, unarticulated; pleopods 1-3 as long as pleonal segments; maxilla 1 inner plate with one tiny seta distally; mandible without palp; molar poorly developed; pleopods reduced; telson as a fleshy ovoidal lobe with two slender dorsal setae. A table and a map featuring the nine ingolfiellids recorded in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and eastern Florida are also provided. The new species increases the number of Ingolfiella species to 35 worldwide, representing the second record of ingolfiellids from the Gulf of Mexico.

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