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Resumen de ATTRACTIVENESS OF MUNICIPALITIES IN MINAS GERAIS STATE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FOREST-BASED COMPANIES/Atratividade dos municípios de Minas Gerais para a instalação de empresas de base florestal

Eliandra Pereira Silva, Ricardo Tayarol Marques, Luiz Coelho Junior, Luís Antônio Coimbra Borges

  • español

    Este trabajo midió el atractivo de los municipios del estado de Minas Gerais (MG) para proyectos en los segmentos de la industria siderúrgica, celulosa y papel, muebles, energía y paneles de madera. Se utilizó un cuestionario para construir un índice de atractividad del sector forestal para cada municipio. Como resultado, se constató que el 40% de los municipios presentaban un atractivo "medio" o superior. Las mesorregiones con mayor potencial de desarrollo forestal fueron la Región Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, el Sudoeste de Minas y la Zona da Mata. Los segmentos siderúrgicos y de celulosa y papel encontraron factores de atracción en el 74,08% y 72,79% de los municipios, respectivamente. Se concluyó que la metodología aplicada mostraba lo cerca que estaba una localidad de reunir las características de las industrias de base forestal. Se espera que fomente futuras investigaciones e influya en la planificación estratégica para la expansión del sector forestal en todo el país.

  • English

    This paper measured the attractiveness of municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais (MG) for projects in the steel, cellulose and paper, furniture, energy and wood panel industry segments. A questionnaire was used to construct an index of attractiveness of the forestry sector for each municipality. As a result, it was found that 40% of the municipalities presented “average” or higher attractiveness. The mesoregions with the greatest potential for forestry development were the Metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, Southwest of Minas and Zona da Mata. The steel and cellulose and paper segments found attractive factors in 74.08% and 72.79% of the municipalities, respectively. It was concluded that the methodology applied showed how close a location was to meeting the characteristics of forest-based industries. It is expected to encourage future research and influence strategic planning for the expansion of the forestry sector across the country.

  • português

    This paper measured the attractiveness of municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais (MG) for projects in the steel, cellulose and paper, furniture, energy and wood panel industry segments. A questionnaire was used to construct an index of attractiveness of the forestry sector for each municipality. As a result, it was found that 40% of the municipalities presented “average” or higher attractiveness. The mesoregions with the greatest potential for forestry development were the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan region, Southwestern Minas and Zona da Mata. The steel and cellulose and paper segments found attractive factors in 74.08% and 72.79% of the municipalities, respectively. It was concluded that the methodology applied showed how close a location was to meeting the characteristics of forest-based industries. It is expected to encourage future research and influence strategic planning for the expansion of the forestry sector across the country.

    Este trabalho mediu a atratividade de municípios do estado de Minas Gerais (MG) para projetos nos segmentos de siderurgia, celulose e papel, móveis, energia e painéis de madeira. Por meio de um questionário, foi construído um índice de atratividade do setor florestal para cada município. Como resultado, verificou-se que 40% dos municípios apresentaram atratividade "média" ou superior. As mesorregiões com maior potencial para o desenvolvimento da silvicultura foram a Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, o Sudoeste de Minas e a Zona da Mata. Os segmentos de siderurgia e celulose e papel encontraram fatores de atratividade em 74,08% e 72,79% dos municípios, respetivamente. Concluiu-se que a metodologia aplicada mostrou o quanto uma localidade estava próxima de atender às características das indústrias de base florestal. Espera-se incentivar futuras pesquisas e influenciar o planejamento estratégico para a expansão do setor florestal no país.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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